Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12242 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
>>>>>> "
IIRC, Ben Hermanns is no longer a partner of A-Eon, since they>>>>>>
reformed in the UK and closed the Belgium based company."
http://amigaworld.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=35093&forum=32#651254>>>>> And indeed, A-Eon's October 1st [2011] press release has been the last one where
>>>>> the company calls itself a CVBA. Starting with the one from October 12th [2011],
>>>>> all 8 subsequent press releases have missed the "CVBA" bit. So [...] Ben
>>>>> Hermans' involvement in A-Eon ceased somewhen between October 1st and
>>>>> October 12th [2011]
>>>> AmigaKit now claims this happened already one year earlier:
>>>> "
Later on in late 2010, our role changed and we had to help get the project>>>>
back on track."
>>>> http://www.amigakit.com/catalog/news.php?news_id=181#newsid181
>>>> http://www.amiga.org/forums/showpost.php?p=767411
>>>> http://amigaworld.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=7129
somewhat stronger statement from March of this year>> Unfortunately, nothing there about the late 2010 vs. late 2011 discrepancy
>> I was getting at.
> It's possible that Trevor brought Amigakit onboard in a consulting role late 2010
> to help get the X1000 development back on track under A-Eon CVBA, with the
> change to A-Eon Technology Ltd (and hence change in ownership & management)
> taking place in the October 2011 period.
It seems your own excellent research revealing that Hermans stepped down from being an A-Eon director in December 2010 has finally solved that 2010 vs. 2011 mystery:
So I guess it went something like this:
A-Eon CVBA founded in Belgium by Hermans, T. Dickinson and Moorley as shareholders as well as directors
Hermans quits his A-Eon CVBA director position (and relinquishes his shares), AmigaKit/Leaman gets involved as consultant or similar
10/2011: A-Eon CVBA starts omitting the mention of its legal form in press releases
04/2012: A-Eon Ltd. founded in UK by Leaman, T. Dickinson and C. Dickinson as shareholders with Leaman acting as sole director
A-Eon CVBA dissolved (T. Dickinson and Moorley are mentioned in this paper)
Any objections, remarks, additions?