Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
From: Northern Calif...
If all the litigation surrounding the Amiga IP, trademarks, and copyrights that Hyperion Entertainment is involved in ends up being ruled in their favor, the only other way I can see the users of "Amiga" OS of any version "winning", would be for the NG users to switch to MorphOS, and/or AROS, AEROS, etc., and the 68k users to use AROS 68k on their Classic machines and FPGA clones. Unless the users wish to have unethical lawyers and business people continue to make promises they can't possibly keep, trick developers into signing bad contracts, that the developers thought were NDA agreements, and just not paying other developers for their time and hard work.
Am I liable for any new litigation from the lawyer who has no clue on how to develop an "OS", if I suggest that everyone "Boycott" Hyperion Entertainment? If the users simply STOP buying anything from, or supporting in any other way, Hyperion Entertainment, they will eventually either abandon the Amiga market, or sell what ever rights they end up with through this litigation, and go away to litigate some other community, or individual.
MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.