Yes, it would be used for OS components- it could be used to install anything- it'd just be up to the developer to create a package.
Yes someone will have to maintain a repository of all apps, libs etc, but hopefully, as you say, it shouldn't be too much work, as the whole thing could be automated. Ie: each app (package) would have a descriptor file (I assume in XML), describing what dependancies it needs (libs, classes, versions etc), and those files will also contain a version number of their app, lib etc, so the PM server can automatically keep track on what it has stored.
Then as you mentioned, the PM client can then ask the PM Server if it has a certain version of a lib etc (package), and give the user a fail message, or go to the next Server in it's list to see if it has the package.
Note: this could be sort of be done with Aminet at present, as most files (or many), have a version field in the readme.
I think the best way would be to have the package descriptor file as a file in the package, rather than as a seperate file, as it makes things much tidier. Although it is a bit more annoying, as you have to unpack the package to get to it, but if it has a standard name, you can just extract that one file from the package when needed.
Also, I completely agree with ya, about having an ADT like interface on Aminet, which shows all new files that have been uploaded since you last checked! (This was something the QNX PM didn't have, and was really annoying :/ !)
You can just look through the list, and tick off the apps/etc you want, then press the install button, and it does the rest- cool (especially wehn combined with a the version auto-updater system! :)
For archiving packages, I'd suggest LHA2, as it has the best compression of any archiver (for general data), and doesn't require files to be TARed first to get better compression like BZIP2- and it's open source.
If a file-sharing network was built-in, it would be good to support a file being sourced from several sources at once, to provide more efficient bandwidth use (load balancing).
Also, we could still have the Amiga system of allowing more experienced users to customise the install more (Novice User, Experienced User, Expert User)- you could have a preference setting in the PM- on Novice (or Beginner) setting it would just install automatically. On higher settings, it could ask for all the preferences of all the apps to be installed first, then go away and install everything.
Another thing to consider, would be some space in the PM window for advertising- ie: as hosting Servers costs money- this could be an option for Servers to pay for themselves by hosting advertising. And the same window, could be used for graphics/symbol of app too- say when it's double-clicked on for more info.
PS: Good luck naTmeg- it's a major project- whoah! :)
Cyas- Ants
[ Edited by Ants on 2005/8/16 15:29 ]
- Ants