Unicode in disk and file names
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 601 from 2007/7/29
    I get sometimes USB drives with files from friends or send by email. When they have disk or file names like “René” then the names cannot be shown in Ambient and Shell and Requesters. It shows “Rene\0301” and such. Worse for longer names of files that have complete words or titles in Unicode. Then it looks like \0301\0452\0110 and so on. Often they do not even fit in the place because for every singel character it takes 5 characters in this code. Then there is no file ending shown and I have not even an idea which file type it is because Ambient does not always detect images, sound files, text files right. Then I double click on them and some times an image opens but sometimes only hex view in editor. This makes the files useless for me on MorphOS. I want to work with the files and use all MorphOS programs but with the code names it is not possible. Also I fear when I rename just one character that they whole name will be destroyed for all other operating systems and when I send them back to other persons for them the files become useless. Can the next version of MorphOS please support Unicode correctly for file names in Ambient and Shell?

    I have found here old threads about Unicode, Asian fonts and all that from 8-9 years ago. Still, MorphOS NG (I hope they will never call it that way but just 4.0) is not available. So it would be nice to see improvements here.
  • »21.03.25 - 09:19
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 817 from 2007/10/23
    From: Gelsenkirchen,...
    We have some Unicode support in the locales. Your feature request is not Ambient related, it should be part of the filesystem IMHO.
    Pegasos II G4: MorphOS 3.9, Zalman M220W · iMac G5 12,1 17", MorphOS 3.18
    Power Mac G3: OSX 10.3 · PowerBook 5,8: OSX 10.5, MorphOS 3.18
  • »21.03.25 - 10:26
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 601 from 2007/7/29
    I did not say it is Ambient related. I clearly wrote "file names" and included "Ambient", "Shell", "Requesters" because these are the programs where I can see and use the filenames. So yes, it is related to the filesystem AND the correct display in the programs that make the filesystem visible. Ambient and Shell are such programs.
  • »21.03.25 - 10:40
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 817 from 2007/10/23
    From: Gelsenkirchen,...
    At least we have another FAT implementation in XAD. You can try to access USB via rawdisk:...
    Pegasos II G4: MorphOS 3.9, Zalman M220W · iMac G5 12,1 17", MorphOS 3.18
    Power Mac G3: OSX 10.3 · PowerBook 5,8: OSX 10.5, MorphOS 3.18
  • »23.03.25 - 22:16
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 887 from 2003/3/4
    From: #AmigaZeux, Gu...

    connor wrote:
    I have found here old threads about Unicode, Asian fonts and all that from 8-9 years ago. Still, MorphOS NG (I hope they will never call it that way but just 4.0) is not available. So it would be nice to see improvements here.

    It's a twofold problem: the first is that the filesystem (not MorphOS) isn't correctly translating unicode letters to whatever character set is in use. For words like René that's easy. In fact for OS 2.x and up it was easy, using FFS-INTL (DOS\3 and up).

    For Korean or Cyrillic, not so easy. That's the second problem. Unicode is huge, and some writing formats go right to left. Both things are not necessarily compatible with the original design of MorphOS (and AmigaOS, which is tried to be compatible with).

    (Edit: Character sets go back to AmigaOS 1.3 and were part of FFS v34, although they just supported Latin character sets at that point to my knowledge and not Russian or Greek.)

    [ Edited by KennyR 23.03.2025 - 22:57 ]
  • »23.03.25 - 22:29
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 887 from 2003/3/4
    From: #AmigaZeux, Gu...

    polluks wrote:
    At least we have another FAT implementation in XAD. You can try to access USB via rawdisk:...

    It wouldn't help. They still have to be mounted using the same filesystem.

    It's probably the MorphOS port of FUSE that underlies both FAT32 and NTFS that's not translating properly.
  • »23.03.25 - 22:59