Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 891 from 2003/3/4
From: #AmigaZeux, Gu...
connor wrote:
That would be okay for me. I don't use such old programs. You can write a warning in the release readme that renaming the files with not supported programs (e.g. those that are not on the Boot CD), especially old programs will probrbly loose or break the information. And maybe then they will be updated also when the tools on board can handle it. But if I could open and edit images, PDFs, videos, music files with the programs we have: Vpdf, MPlayer, Multiview, Jukebox etc., If I could list them in the MUICON Shell that would be a great improvement.
But do you really
need Unicode? MorphOS and (AmigaOS) character maps do support all special characters used in Latin languages, Greek, possibly Cyrillic (not sure, but Russian, Serbian and Bulgarian keymaps apparently exist). It's just one filesystem not translating them properly.
I mean if you want to name your files using Egyptian hieroglyphs, Dravidian languages or Tolkien elvish runes Unicode is great, but otherwise it's a lot easier just to translate a small subset of commonly used letters like the accented e in Rene. Probably not worth having uncertain compatibility which would result in HUGE problems.