I'm Waitsnake from Germany and I'm new to MOS and hope to learn a bit more about this operating system family and also amiga systems. As kid I start with C64 and than unfortunately go direct to PC (Win & Linux) and later to Mac and I miss all the Amiga stuff. ;-(
As mentioned in this topic before I also tried to install iGame, UAELoad, WHDLoad, E-UAE with WB 3.1 and so forth according to an manual I found here:
I use MOS 3.6 with Chrysalis pack 3.6.1 beta installed. It comes with E-UAE 0.8.29-WIP4 from 01.07.2014.
I had the same issues that WB 3.1 was not able to install when using as virtual hard disk a directory from MOS (filesystem2=rw,DH0:System:HardDisks/W orkbench,1) and it allways seems to hangup the complete emulation at around 12% of install progress when the installer start to create folders and icons on the file system.
In the logfile I saw some strange error messages that seems to correlate with the problem: „
I try to look for the source code to find this error message. I only could found the source code of an older version (0.8.28) linked to this page here:
In the file
filesys.c You see that 0x1f=31 is defined as
ACTION_INHIBIT and the big switch inside the function
handle_packet() does not handle this type and the switch will run into the default-case that only returns false and print this error message.
In the file history the author even mentioned: „Known limitations: * Does not support ACTION_INHIBIT (
big deal).“. So that seems an important issue of E-UAE anyway.
Than I found some more information about that ACTION_INHIBIT here:
Amiga DOS packets (see at "dos.library/ACTION_INHIBIT" ). It seems to be an kind of flush action that writes all file buffers to hard disc when requested, like the sync command in Linux systems.
With a google search I found the source code of fs-uae. Inside the
winuaechangelog.txt you found that they implement this ACTION_INHIBIT with Beta 1 and with Beta 2 they fix some infinite loop that this function causes.
Well I really don't know much about that filesystem stuff and I'm not sure if the missing implementation of ACTION_INHIBIT in the E-UAE of MOS really causes the hangup of the emulation. I just hope that someone with more knowledge will pay a bit attention on it and take a look if it is a issue or not.
The source code of ACTION_INHIBIT in FS-UAE can be found here:
filesys.cppA good workaround of this problem is to avoid file system access and use a hardfile (hdf) instead of that. Unfortunely file system is needed to connect iGame in MOS to the games installed in E-UAE.
[ Edited by Waitsnake 21.07.2014 - 21:56 ]