Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 768 from 2011/11/30
Hi! I've did some major breakthroughs yesterday.
My final goal is to be able to run WHDLoad via iGame on Ambient.
Some of the comments on this tread inspired me to make the following steps (please read carefully and tell me what I do wrong at the end):
1) I 've setup 3.9 on a blank HDF on WinUAE
2) I've installed WHLoad on 3.9
3) I've mounted a folder (named it "aos") on WinUAE and dumped the contents of the HDF
4) Copied the folder to MorphOS at SYS:Emulation/E-UAE/HardDisks/aos
5) Renamed to kick.rom the working 3.1 rom and copied to SYS:Emulation/E-UAE/roms
6) Edited the .uaerc file and commented the path to the corresponding HardDisk and to the rom
Doubled clicked the e-uae executable et voila! I booted on the 3.9 environment!
Then I played with rhLauncher for while and I've setup successfully as well a A500 config (btw been able to play 100% full speed SWIV on windowed mode only with overlay mode enabled).
Now comes the tricky part (though it shouldn't be..):
1) I've downloaded UAELoad from aminet as suggested
2) Unpack to RAM: and copied "whdload" from C/ to C:
3) Edited the uaeload config to point on the e-uae executable (SYS:Emualtion/E-UAE/e-uae)
4) Edited the ueaload config to point on the valid e-uae config (SYS:Emulation/E-UAE/.uaerc)
5) Copied the edited uaeload config to ENV: and ENVARC:
6) Copied the modified startup sequence from the "Bonus" directory to my "aos" HardDisk while backing up the old one
To this point I double checked if my 3.9 would load under the new start-up sequence, which it did!
Then, I downloaded iGame, copied some WHDLoad games on my MorphOS, set the appropriate repository, iGame scanned the folder and recognized the slaves. Double clicked one (it was Agony ofc;) ) and I got the following error:
UAELoad can't find a shared path to launch the slave from within E-UAE. Please make sure you have setup filesystems properly.The I took the following steps but nothing worked:
1) Initially I checked if the uaeload pointed to the correct config by making to look elsewhere. When I doubled clicked Agony's slave again I got a different error "Can't find E-UAE config" (or something similar).
2)Because I didn't knew if the format of .uaerc file was recognizable I made a copy of it and renamed as 1.conf. I edited uaeload again to point to SYS:Emulation/E-UAE/1.conf but I got the same error.
What do I miss?[ Edited by Cool_amigaN 18.06.2014 - 10:23 ]