Posts: 97 from 2005/10/31
Finally! That is great!
Not be so happy, Itix say the same to me 2 or 3 times :))
I truly hope the bugs are minor and you can iron them out easily. Can't wait to test the newer version asap :)
Those bugs probabaly not easy ones. If i remember right, itix even start to working with one of them and give up year ago.
Well, if you will be so kind to remove the 2-3 important bugs in the MorphOS version mentioned by kas1e (bugs that -I fear- affect also the OS3 version run on MorphOS in compatibility mode) I will appreciate very much. And I will donate directly to you (unless you explicitly forbid me to do that) just to show you in a tangible way how much I will be glad. I can also help in the testing phase, if needed.
Few bugs hard, few are minor. As for our os3 verion react the same on morphos - probably yes. But plz, test nightlys from dopus5.org (see below)
Nah, of course we not mean you do it for money, but , money for sure can a bit more motivate you. Let's go this way - if you in next 2 weeks will do nothing, we will make a bounty called "make opensource varian of dopus5 for morphos be bug free", and collect there some buks ? What you think ? So, you will see ppls want it , and need it. And you will have no excuses that no one on morphos need it :)
And there is those morphos only bugs about which i say (and on which i point our itix few times already);
And that one maybe easy maybe not:
So, once those 4 bugs will be fixed, mos version (probably) will be ready.
In meantime, everyone can help us with this way:
- go on dopus5.org
- download http://dopus5.org/downloads/nightly/Dopus5_92_dev_mos_debug.lha
- unpack it, and try to run (from icon, from shell, etc, any way) and use it.
- any bugs you found report here https://sourceforge.net/p/dopus5allamigas/bugs/ , or , here, i will repost them to bug-repo page.
Also, you may try to download os3 version: http://dopus5.org/downloads/nightly/Dopus5_92_dev_os3_debug.lha , and alos try it on morphos.