My MacMIni only shows a gray screen with a mac face
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 545 from 2012/4/28
    Since the sunday my Mac Mini only shows me a gray screen with a Mac face, this screen is the bootMac, I enter in the OpenFirmware and I typed boot-mac but again it shows me the gray screen, the Mac doesn't reboot from the SSD hard disk neither the CDRom with the MorphOS, and now I have the problem that I not get tthis CDRom, my Mac Mini had problems with the battery but now it has a new battery and I did some changes to better the machine with a new SSD hard drive and 1GB of memory instead of mechanical hard disk and 512 MB, the new hard disk also is IDE,
    where is the problem and how get the CDROM?
  • »03.12.13 - 09:58
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2359 from 2003/2/24
    You probraly hadn't MorphOS on the 1st partition, follow the instructions at the end of the dualboot.pdf to get back to working settings.

    While in OF you can eject the CD, not sure wether it was "cd eject" or "eject cd".
  • »03.12.13 - 11:12
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 545 from 2012/4/28

    Kronos escribi�:
    You probraly hadn't MorphOS on the 1st partition, follow the instructions at the end of the dualboot.pdf to get back to working settings.

    While in OF you can eject the CD, not sure wether it was "cd eject" or "eject cd".

    Yes I have installed MorphOS in the first partition, I think that problem perhaps for the PRAM from the MacMini and it was crashed with the last change in the MacMini world the new LCD Monitor that I bought, I read that the MacMini saves in the PRAM the changes of volume, screen size, etc., and perhaps this is the problem, but how I can resurrect the Mac?
  • »04.12.13 - 09:43
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 566 from 2007/12/10
    From: Greece
    Have you tried to hold the alt key pressed while you are booting the mac? A multi boot screen would appear letting you select to boot from hd or CD make this test having the MorphOS CD inside.

    The gray screen with the mac face practically means that there is not a boot partition found.

    Have you chrcked the connections of your internal HD and or CD?
  • »04.12.13 - 20:54
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 37 from 2012/11/12
    If its a mac face flashing taking turns with a qeustion mark that is on the screens means that there is no bootable device to access, either the hardrive is dead or disconnected probably.

    Edit : sorry for the double information noticed countravens post after posting this.

    [ Edited by nemesiswar 07.12.2013 - 10:01 ]
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  • »07.12.13 - 08:57
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 545 from 2012/4/28
    Thanks, I resolve the problem, removing the battery after to put again the original memeory simm and hard disk and again to put the 1 GB simm and SSD drive, the hunch to remove the battery to delete the PRAM was confirmed as true on this page:
    here I could read as delete the PRAM removing the battery instead of the command line, also is a good site to repair the MacMini with pictures the machine, useful to put correctly the fan, a world in the Mini.
  • »08.12.13 - 08:59