Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
From: Northern Calif...
So, can you say for sure that keyfiles received for free (such as the ones you got) get such numbers in the MorphOS registration system? If yes, this may be the case with keyfiles paid for in person as well, which in turn would show up as non-paid for in the PayPal system but represents a valid license issued.
Nonetheless, I'm quite sure there are registration numbers occupied by people who attempted to register and got their number in the email with the payment request, but then for whatever reason have not made the final step to perform the actual payment.
Yes, I can confirm that the delivery of my free keyfile(s) did generate a registration number, just like the registration numbers that are generated through the automated process when buyers of MorphOS use the RegTool and pay through PayPal. I can't answer for MorphOS users who paid cash for their MorphOS registration in person to a MorphOS Dev. Team member, at some event.
Just like the fact that we will probably never know exactly how many unique MorphOS users there are, we might never know how many actual registrations have also generated a keyfile and resulted in a registered MorphOS computer. Although interesting to those of us who are curious about such statistics, it is not really critical information that we really need to know. As you, or other members here have stated, the MorphOS Dev. Team members probably don't even know these answers.
Just like the one or two people who claim that there probably haven't been more than 50 X1000's sold to date, I think that the same one or two people, or one or two different people, who think that there are only 100 to 250 MorphOS users, are delusional, or just making statements like that because they like stirring up angry responses from the more passionate members of the greater Amiga and MorphOS communities. There are always a few people who try to stir up trouble, or emotional responses, just for their own sick enjoyment (not that I am accusing anyone here of doing that).
All I know for sure is that most members here have stated that they believe that there were more MorphOS users and developers before the switch to a paid OS with the beginning of MorphOS2.0 and that their estimates were close to, or over 2,000 users and developers at the peak of MorphOS. So, I have no problem believing that there are now between 500 to 650+ MorphOS users and I have no idea how many OS4.x, AROS and remaining Classic Amiga users there are.
Everyone else is free to believe in what ever numbers of users of each Amiga related system. We should be happy that there are any of us left, and that there are any new users, or developers, after all this time and all of the setbacks this community has suffered through over the past 20+ years.
Your guesses are just as valid as the guesses of me, or anyone else.
> Would be nice if they could give a ballpark number.
For the number of MorphOS 2+ keyfiles issued, the counter this thread is about is rather good as a ballpark number. Why do you think the actual number is so far off the counter number?
I agree with you. I think that the number of registrations reported in this thread is not too far off from the actual number of MorphOS registered computers with keyfiles.
[ Edited by amigadave 08.07.2012 - 20:33 ]MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.