Translators for PastePass needed
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2362 from 2003/2/24
    I'm currently adding new features and considering a GUI-design-change for the next PastePass and would need translators to offer a wide localeisation upon release.

    I'm covering german and english myself and allready have a volenteer for turkish but any other language would be welcomed.

    Just drop me a PM with your email and I'll contact you when I have beta/mockup ready (2nd half of july if all goes as planned). A release will most likely happen a few weeks later.

    Addionally I'm also thinking about how to fit the new features in the GUI and been considering a more or less copy of the KeypassX-GUI:

    Another option wouild be useing a listtree to list all entries, but I'm not 100% sure that would really be that userfriendly.

    PastePass1.x will feature these improvements (allready implemented):
    - password generator
    - setting a default user name for new entries
    - import XML files created by KeyPassX (in clear text, possibly also compatible with KeyPass)

    Planned features:
    - Groups
    - experiation dates
    - flexible timeouts for unlocking functions (like "show password")

    Possible feature:
    - different level of restriction with mutiple PW on 1 database
    - import of encrypted database formats

    [ Edited by Kronos 29.06.2015 - 15:04 ]
  • »29.06.15 - 11:28
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 167 from 2005/7/26
    From: Madrid
    Hi ,

    I've already done an spanish translation of the catalog.

    Pending to send it to you or upload to Aminet.

    Best Regards

    [ Edited by diezi7 29.06.2015 - 15:42 ]
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 813 from 2007/10/23
    From: Gelsenkirchen,...
    You could reuse the 20 catalogs of KeePassX:
    keepassx-cs_CZ.ts 167748 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-de_DE.ts 125077 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-es_ES.ts 126630 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-fi_FI.ts 82840 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-fr_FR.ts 135594 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-gl_ES.ts 87080 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-hu_HU.ts 80633 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-it_IT.ts 87670 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-ja_JP.ts 121973 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-nb_NO.ts 79703 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-nl_NL.ts 80280 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-pl_PL.ts 79375 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-pt_PT.ts 79753 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-ru_RU.ts 135730 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-sk_SK.ts 78893 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-sr_RS.ts 81035 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-tr_TR.ts 82035 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-uk_UA.ts 87480 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-xx_XX.ts 75221 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28
    keepassx-zh_CN.ts 77777 ----rw-d 28-Feb-10 12:56:28

    [ Editiert durch polluks 29.06.2015 - 16:32 ]
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  • »29.06.15 - 15:25
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2362 from 2003/2/24

    A PM with your email would still be nice so I can send you a beta and localisation files when they are ready.


    a) don't plan to port KeyPassX only use it as an inspiration and illustration for what I plan, so strings defined in those files may not apply

    b) someone would still need to convert those into proper catalog files
  • »29.06.15 - 15:54
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1724 from 2012/3/22
    From: Stockholm, Sweden
    I could give a Swedish translation a go after this weekend.
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  • »30.06.15 - 11:28
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 92 from 2003/7/29
    From: Heesch, The Ne...
    I can do the dutch translation. (Would be my first official translation)

    regards, Tom
  • »30.06.15 - 20:50