Piru: What is your setup for a man in the middle attack so I can properly test it?
It's a bit different for various tests.
1. For hostname validation I just add a local 'hosts' entry that points to a server with different name. Say: mail.hacktest.lol
(the specific IP is run by google. The important part is that port 995 is open with a valid cert.
Finally, I configure the app to use mail.hacktest.lol 995 .. connection should fail due to hostname mismatch.
2. To verify that the actual chain validation is correct I use sslsniff. At the routing linux box I do:
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --destination-port 995 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 4995
# sslsniff -a -c /usr/share/sslsniff/certs/wildcard -s 4995 -w /dev/stdout
Then I just attempt to use any imaps (port 995) and see if the connection is actually MitMed by sslsniff.
[ Edited by Piru On 2014/10/28 18:57 ]