Software : : AmiGOD2 Beta released
Posted By: Targhan. on 2003/6/17 7:28:50
2 new Pegasos tests - 3x Pegasos, 2x Amithlon, 2x Amiga, 2x UAE. Graphics: 1st place Pegasos, 2nd place Pegasos and 3rd place Pegasos:) Added harddisk and memory test (early beta).

AmiGOD2 Homepage

Source: ANN.LU

(note: webmaster's numbers are HERE)

Lukas Stehlik writes:

2 new Pegasos tests - 3x Pegasos, 2x Amithlon, 2x Amiga, 2x UAE. Graphics: 1st place Pegasos, 2nd place Pegasos and 3rd place Pegasos:)

Added harddisk and memory test (early beta).

Sorry for long delay, I bought PEGASOS PPC G3 & I am learning to school, but holidays are coming and complete support of external modules too:)

MorphZone editorial commentary:

After performing the tests seperately, I can independantly confirm that the numbers provided in the AmiGOD2 modules are good numbers. My personal G3 Pegasos (running MorphOS 1.3) could claim first place in the graphics and first place in the memory tests.

The lack of JIT in the public MorphOS version, however, really shows in the "Math 68k" tests. I'm providing some of my "Marks" for the public:

Graphics 2D: 73866

Intuition: 401
(I don't know why my intuition is so slow here!)

Math 68k: 184

Harddisk: 26 (OLD HDD here)

Memory: 625

I would like to express gratitude on the behalf of MorphZone, and its users, to Lukas for his hard work and dedication to AmiGOD2. Thanks.


  • MorphOS Developer
    Joined: 2003/3/5
    Posts: 3165
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    Actually I don't really think there is a point in benchmarking intuition at all due to it's synchronous nature. For functions like opening windows or ChangeWindowBox() there is a ops/second limit really. Pegasos could easily beat the current results without it ;)

    When you have other windows opened on screen you will always have a slowdown because other windows get damaged on most layer operations and it takes lot of precious cpu cycles to refresh them.

    Results from intuition 68k and intuition ppc aren't really comparable. There has been a lot of changes in internal implementation of various functions: some functions may work slower, because they are now synchronous and aren't in intui68k as well as the opposite. intuitionppc also has totaly different internals than intuition 68k so if you based your benchmark on known behavior of intuition 68k this might not be true for intuition ppc :)
  • »2003/6/17 23:16
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  • Targhan
    Joined: 2003/2/8
    Posts: 2833
    From: USA

    Thanks for that explaination. It is very interesting to see the differences explained, particularly when they SEEM so simular!

    MorphOS portal?
  • »2003/6/18 3:38
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  • Targhan
    Joined: 2003/2/8
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    First, does luckyamiga == Lukas? :-)

    Anyway, no problem about the commentary! What is extra interesting about any benchmark I lay claim to is that it could be double checked by several long time Amigans who live within 2.5 hours driving time from here. :lol:

    Now about the gfx mode... I performed the gfx test under the same screenmode as "PEGASOS," but all other tests were done using 1024x768x24. The graphics card in this Pegasos is a Radeon 7000.

    Again, I thank you for creating a benchmark program that isn't tied to the chipset.

    MorphOS portal?
  • »2003/6/18 3:44
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  • Targhan
    Joined: 2003/2/8
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    I'm running the tests now. I really think that some of those tests are probably more dependant on the gfx card than whether it is pegasos or amithlon.

    However, I expect the JIT in MorphOS 1.4 will make a difference. Remember, I'm using the PUBLIC verion of MorphOS on my pegasos. Hey... I have Amithlon here too :-) I could throw up my numbers for that too :lol:

    MorphOS portal?
  • »2003/6/18 21:08
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  • Targhan
    Joined: 2003/2/8
    Posts: 2833
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    Ok, these are my numbers when using the most common bottom lines I could to (booting from the MorphOS 1.3 CD and changing to an 800x600x16 screenmode):

    Graphics 2d: 50506
    Intuition: 811
    math 68k: 184
    HDD: 26
    Memory: 555

    performance dipped some, but I figure this would be more fair than using my hdd boot as I may have something or another on my hdd that may affect the system positive or negatively.

    MorphOS portal?
  • »2003/6/18 21:38
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  • Targhan
    Joined: 2003/2/8
    Posts: 2833
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    ;-) Just wait until the G4 and the JIT show up! :lol:

    MorphOS portal?
  • »2003/6/23 16:32
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