Software : : DOSBox 0.61 R3 and RunDOS 1.2
Posted By: mcbarlo. on 2004/6/20 8:34:25
DOSBox is a DOS emulator that uses the SDL library. It emulates CPU:286/386 realmode/protected mode, Directory FileSystem/XMS/EMS, Tandy/Hercules/CGA/EGA/VGA/VESA graphics and SoundBlaster/Gravis Ultra Sound card.

Changes in MorphOS version:
- improved stability
- some speed increment

RunDOS is a tool which allow you to start DOS software by clicking on the icon on Ambient. Now you can set the option to quit DOSBox after quit from the program you started with RunDOS.

You can get the archives from here and here.
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Joined: 2003/6/8
    Posts: 1346
    From: USA California
    DOSbox rocks my socks :-D thanks for the great port :-D
    "Poundsmack, official morphzone thread creator" -LorD
    "Wanna be lord of the avatars." -JKD
  • »2004/6/20 9:40
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2003/2/24
    Posts: 741
    Great :-) !!! I've found Cannon-Fodder and
    IIRC it's 100 times better in it's amiga version ;-)

    But it's funny to see these games run :-)

    Really a great job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • »2004/6/20 10:16
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Joined: 2003/10/19
    Posts: 1931
    From: Port Hueneme, Ca.
    Last time I tried using it I could get to the dir with my files in them. I'll give it a try again. Nice looking software though.
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  • »2004/6/20 13:51
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2003/2/24
    Posts: 653
    From: Hungary
    TFX is a bit slow, but playable now. Great job! NFS is still too slow... maybe a JIT version? :-)
  • »2004/6/20 15:19
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  • Caterpillar
    Joined: 2003/11/8
    Posts: 31
    From: Poland
    Now DOSBox have JIT only for x86 and it is in experimental phase. Maybe in future authors add JIT for PPC... Currently CVS version is much more advenced.
  • »2004/6/20 16:00
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