MAME 0.80 for MorphOS has been released consisting of several improvements over the previous version. Note, this is the executable only, and it needs 0.72 or 0.69 directory structure.
New: - bumped to 0.80 common tree - Triple buffered in fullscreen - reduction in sound lag - a few minor bugfixes
Great! Btw, due some serious problems with checksum errors on my work partition i can`t test this release myself (have to try to backup all stuff with Linux, and my old A4k as my Peg hasn` t a cd writer) Has anyone tried mame harddisc games with this release? Are they working?
Hard disk games should work (if the game itself works), but there is an issue with paths IIRC. I believe mame looks for chd files in /. So you need to have chd in the parent drawer of Mame. I'll try to fix that, when i have a chd game to test. :)