I have had a few weird instances since I installed the ramrootfix.lha file in WBStartup.
It may not be due to the fix, but I have been using MorphOS now for about 8 years and these 3 moments have never occurred prior to installing the "fix" in WBStartup, and as far as I know I have not installed anything new on my system recently that was likely to cause the following events;
1. unable to move an icon to a free area of Ambient with the mouse. It kept jumping back to the position it was in previously. Later, without rebooting, this process worked OK, same Ambient desktop, same icon.
2. Unable to move an Ambient icon when using/pressing the keyboard keys (Cmd+Alt) as virtual mouse, the cursor moves but does not subsequently move the icon, the cursor slides over Ambient desktop, and the icon remains where it was. Here again, a bit later, without rebooting, this process worked OK, same Ambient desktop, same icon.
3. Swapping from one partition/directory where I had added an icon to a folder, I then went to the mirrored partition/directory to find that the icon had seemingly been added there, but on re-loading the second/mirrored directory the icon had vanished (never been there, but was like a mirage, of sorts, over the directory/folder). I was able to add the icon, but I cannot explain why the icon was seemingly in the second storage partition/directory when I had not copied it there, and it then became apparent that it was not actually there, which seems really weird/puzzling.

MacMini 1.5GHz,64MB VRAM, PowerBooks A1138/9 (Model 5,8/9),PowerMac G5 2.3GHz(DP), iMac A1145 2.1GHz 20", all with MorphOS v3.18+,Airport,Bluetooth,A1016 Keyboard,T-RB22 Mouse,DVD-RW-DL,MiniMax,Firewire/USB2 & MacOSX 10.4/5