Development : : Epub.mcc 0.1 - E-Book MUI Class
Posted By: pegasos-sigi2. on 2017/8/21 7:09:19
Epub.mcc 0.1

A very little E-Book MUI Class with demo prog.
Caution: Alpha !


+ Coverpicture
+ Data from the author (title, comment, subject,...)
+ Table of contense
+ HTML 4.01

Not yet a feature:

- HTML 5

Comment: The Class renders syncron. That slows down the whole prog at this moment.
Later it use a separate render task.

Well, it does start and it is possible to load the included files. It is a very early version for sure (window title says "InstantZip", etc). In general, having an .mcc that is able to view HTML content (epub related or otherwise) would be great but I think it would be tricky to write something like this from scratch.

Have you looked into options like litehtml? As far as I know, you have used Cairo before. There is even a simple web browser combining litehtml and Cairo to render web pages (Windows only, however).
  • ASiegel
    Joined: 2003/2/15
    Posts: 1380
    From: Central Europe
    Well, it does start but it is an early version for sure. I do like the concept of a generic HTML .mcc (not necessarily related to epub files) but it might be tricky to write something like this from scratch.

    Have you considered options such as litehtml? There is even a very simple web browser combining litehtml with Cairo to render pages. Something like this could be quite useful for viewing HTML text documents, etc.
  • »2017/8/21 15:48
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2006/8/31
    Posts: 265
    I have no libc Acess in the .mcc. So no std - C Code work.
    Spreedy - The spreedsheet editor of MorphOS
    Calimero - Do you know about the new DTP Program for MorphOS ?
  • »2017/8/21 22:06
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2006/8/31
    Posts: 265

    Well, it does start but it is an early version for sure. I do like the concept of a generic HTML .mcc (not necessarily related to epub files) but it might be tricky to write something like this from scratch.

    Have you considered options such as litehtml? There is even a very simple web browser combining litehtml with Cairo to render pages. Something like this could be quite useful for viewing HTML text documents, etc.

    litehtml is codet in C++. So i am out here .
    Spreedy - The spreedsheet editor of MorphOS
    Calimero - Do you know about the new DTP Program for MorphOS ?
  • »2017/8/21 22:09