... but how does the difficulty level compare? I imagine Hollywood is night and day more involved and powerful, but just the difficulty of the concept?
Hollywood has a very low hurdle to start with and to get first results. The examples and documentation that come with the package are a good starting point. Of course bigger and more optimized projects need more time to write.
I use it more and more these days and actually like it. In contrast to C or C++ you actually get working results while programming only occasionally (say one evening per month).
Currently I write a program to measure stimuli-reaction times. For exampe a very simple (and stripped down) function where after a random time a purple circle gets shown and the time gets measured until the user presses space looks like this:
Function p_2Stim() ; *** circle high contrast
For i=1 To 10
Wait (50+Rnd(200))
Circle (20+Rnd(740),20+Rnd(540),3, #PURPLE)
Box (10,10,780,560, #WHITE)
my_testpara [(i)+$testnumber*10] [1] = t/1000 ; *** store times in an array for later use
p_mybuttons() ;return to main menu
I think that is rather easy.
[ Editiert durch Zylesea Ein 2015/6/9 23:42 ]
Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
...and Matthias , my friend - RIP