LibMaker is a GUI based tool generating code skeletons of shared libraries. As such it is the successor of old ChocolateCastle program. After entering specifications of a library and its set of function, LibMaker generates a complete, ready to compile project template, with makefile and standard include files. Version 0.11 can generate a shared library skeleton for MorphOS or for AmigaOS 3 (M68k). Defined library projects may be saved for later reuse or adding new functions. LibMaker preserves existing functions, so library can be developed incrementally. The program features extensive bubble help, so there is less need to look at the manual. LibMaker is distributed with the source code on BSD license and can be downloaded from the MorphOS Files. Future versions of the program will handle BOOPSI and MUI classes, as well as generation of code for AmigaOS 4.
The code generation is performed by Lua scripts, which may be modified by users. New scripts can be added without program recompilation, for example using SDI macros, or generating static libraries.