Quote:While I like the way crosshair is done, its contrast is too big in most cases. Also in my opinion display or RGB values and coordinates in the main window - as done in the system Zoom tool - is more comfortable. Plus the system tool has relative measurements (press and hold CTRL, then move the mouse), which is a killer feature for webmastering and other precise graphic work. I've also noticed that there is some problem with information window. It seems that its root object group has no spacing around. Looks a bit annoying.
As for panel object, I will test it later

Thanks for the suggestions.
My plan was not to copy to much of the orginal zoom tool =)
I added sbar-option, but I'm not sure this is so very practical, just more of a gimmic =)
But maybe I shall add the info in the main window at least since I do also think that the info-window is kinda crappy in its current form.
Personaly I start it in WBStartup and has set the sbar active while iconifying the tool at startup and also hidden its icon so when ever I need the zoom function I just press the small sbar-object and the window presents itself.
The panel object is just a magnifier and doesn't do more like the stand alone app.