Reports : : Sam460 may get MorphOS and HaikuOS support
Posted By: ausPPC. on 2012/12/25 8:41:28
Frank Mariak was at Pianeta Amiga with MorphOS on an ACube Sam460 and Francois Revol was also there with his early efforts of porting Haiku to the same platform.

Apparently, this can be queried here -
Other resources: ACube@facebook - HaikuOS@Pianeta
  • Andreas_Wolf
    Joined: 2003/5/22
    Posts: 12282
    From: Germany
    More regarding Haiku on Sam460ex:

    From the last link: "Genesi Efika I & II" listed under "PowerPC"
    Have there really been two Efika PPC incarnations? I only know the Efika 5200B.
  • »2012/12/25 21:12
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2007/8/6
    Posts: 543
    From: Pending...
    I'm pretty sure it was this forum quite a few years back (as I'm saying this, I realise I can't hold a candle to Andreas' innate cross reference of this site...) - the post included a picture of a hand (I think) holding a PPC Efika with extra memory soldered onto the normally empty pads on the other side of the board. Someone tried a diy with their own board after that but it wasn't a success...

    Oops... Was that a forum bug or did I mess up? The above was supposed to be a new post, not an edit.

    [ Edited by ausPPC On 2012/12/26 10:14 ]

    [ Edited by ausPPC On 2012/12/26 10:17 ]
    PPC assembly ain't so bad... ;)
  • »2012/12/25 21:20
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  • Andreas_Wolf
    Joined: 2003/5/22
    Posts: 12282
    From: Germany
    > Someone once showed off a PPC Efika with 256mb...

    You mean an Efika 5200B? I must have missed that.
    Genesi once announced Efika 5121e and Efika 8610, but I doubt that any of those is what's referred to on that Haiku page, as there were never real boards.

    > But maybe the ARM Efika has been mistaken for PPC?

    Genesi Efika MX is listed under ARM on that same page.

    [ Edited by Andreas_Wolf On 2012/12/25 22:37 ]
  • »2012/12/25 21:31
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2007/8/6
    Posts: 543
    From: Pending...
    Maybe they're actually referring to the Pegasos I & II?
    PPC assembly ain't so bad... ;)
  • »2012/12/26 20:44
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  • Andreas_Wolf
    Joined: 2003/5/22
    Posts: 12282
    From: Germany
    > Maybe they're actually referring to the Pegasos I & II?

    Yes, this may be the case.
  • »2012/12/27 0:11
  • vox
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2003/11/25
    Posts: 616
    From: Belgrade

    More regarding Haiku on Sam460ex:

    From the last link: "Genesi Efika I & II" listed under "PowerPC"
    Have there really been two Efika PPC incarnations? I only know the Efika 5200B.

    Can I enter beta test of SAM460ex version? I will soon get X1550, I have 4000HD and 6870HD Radeons
    iMac G5 1GB with MorphOS and MacOS X
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  • »2014/1/5 8:16