MorphZone : : MorphOS Library
Posted By: ASiegel. on 2012/3/11 18:57:22
MorphOS LibraryIn order to make the editing capabilities of our MorphOS Library more accessible, all existing MorphZone users who have made 50 or more posts in our forums should have received an email detailing how they can log in to the Library and start editing content.

If you are not interested to participate, feel free to ignore the email. If, on the other hand, you would like to share your knowledge with others, please do not hesitate to do so. Thank you and happy editing.
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2004/1/24
    Posts: 901
    From: #AmigaZeux
    Nice idea :)
  • »2012/3/11 19:02
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Joined: 2003/2/24
    Posts: 1193
    From: Helsinki, Finland
    Apparently still had my old mail in my account, which hasn't worked in years :-)
  • »2012/3/11 20:48
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2003/2/24
    Posts: 741

    yes very good idea, thanks a lot for this authorisation.

    But nobody verify contents ?

    Thats how wiki-software works. The community changes the content and the community corrects it.
  • »2012/3/11 22:08
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  • ASiegel
    Joined: 2003/2/15
    Posts: 1380
    From: Central Europe
    @ Jupp3

    We reset the account. You should have received an email.
  • »2012/3/12 7:14
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2005/10/12
    Posts: 130
    From: Wellington
    When I received the email this morning I though I was having more problems with hackers messing with my account.

    Anyway, I've now logged in to the MorphOS Library.Thanks for that.

  • »2012/3/12 8:06
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2004/4/15
    Posts: 631
    Yes, my first thought was also that somebody hacked my account.

    [ Edited by eliot On 2012/3/12 10:32 ]
  • »2012/3/12 12:31
  • JJ
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2010/7/7
    Posts: 147
    From: Wales
    Glad I saw this I thought someone was messing about with my account when I got that email
    We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw

    Xbox Live: S0ulA55a551n2
  • »2012/3/12 12:56
  • pOS
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Joined: 2003/11/14
    Posts: 220
    From: Bavaria
    I didn't read this news item, so I also thought, someone has hacked MZ accounts...
  • »2012/3/12 16:35
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Joined: 2006/3/21
    Posts: 2795
    From: Northern Calif...
    A very good idea. I am happy to see this happen, and ashamed that I have not contributed to the library efforts before now, but I need to use MorphOS more often and become more comfortable with how everything works, before I could feel comfortable writing articles telling others how things work in MorphOS.

    Still waiting for wireless support to be working with my supported wireless CardBus NIC, so I can use MorphOS every day, instead of MacOSX. Then I can use MorphOS 2 to 5 hours a day, everyday.
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »2012/3/13 7:33