IceFileSystem 2.0 has been released and features at least 387% more frozen awesomeness. Get it while it's cool!
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<span style="text-decoration: underline;">List of Changes:</span>
2.0 (2010-September-22)
Changed the way entry lookup is made, because of a serious bug in hashing routine. Tool is included to turn old partition into new format. (Other/Fix200, make sure partition is correct first by using IceCheck with debug option.) So, I repeat:
<span style="font-weight: bold;">*Partition format has changed*</span> slightly but enough to break creating / renaming / deleting files. This decision was not easy to make, but it was necessary. The DOS type has been incremented, it is now 0x49434502.
Bug in renaming of entries (affected .recycled for example) fixed.
Bug introduced in 1.15wip that caused instability fixed.
A few bugs fixed in file writing and changing of file size.
Having both .recycledir and .logfile active had a bug, fixed.
Hardlinks fixed again.
New command "ShowLinks" included.
FSFormat: No more need to double click entry if just one partition is to be formatted. Various GUI fixes. subvalidate.library updated.
When giving volume name (rather than partition name) to IceCheck / IceSalv, filesystem was never released properly, fixed.
Improved IceSalv to be more tolerant to errors on partition.
Nasty MaxTransfer bug introduced in version 1.14 fixed. (Value was interpreted as signed so the default maxtransfer value of hdconfig would result in negative read/write lengths, but a value beginning with 0x7 would work !)
IceFS now makes sure no requesters are put up the first 5 seconds of execution, but waits if needed until this time has passed. It seems MorphOS crashes if requesters are put up too early.
Bug introduced in 1.15 where filling partition could break it. Fixed.
Renaming a filename with more than 36 chars into another one, was broke, fixed.
Other smaller fixes/improvements.
1.15 (2010-September-XX) never publically released.
Overwriting files with MODE_NEWFILE was broken if .recycledir was activated,
old file was moved but new file never created (action returned error though).
Cachelines are now aligned regardless of reserved blocks areas size.
Unmount command did not work with IceFS, fixed.
Doslist related dead-lock fixed.
Optimised journalling. Speed increase especially when writing sequential files.