Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12242 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
>>> when i check the specs, it is obvious that PPC is dead
>> Huh? From the specs of one specific, low-cost and low-power PPC chip that just became
>> available you conclude that the whole architecture is dead? Could you please explain
>> that miraculous deduction?
> don't pretend you don't get what i say because i don't expose it with your clinic
> only-the-facts-and-provide-links bot style.
The reason I *really* don't get what you say is not that you don't provide links (whatever these would look like) but that your way of concluding doesn't make any sense.
> Yo know exactly what i mean by that.
No, I don't know.
> Of course PPC is not dead as an architecture, but it's dead as usable for MorphOS.
That still doesn't make sense. From the specs of one specific, low-cost and low-power PPC chip that just became available you conclude that PPC as usable for MorphOS is dead?
I didn't say your statement (PPC is dead for MorphOS) per se is false. It's just that your way of concluding (new low-spec PPC chip released -> PPC is dead for MorphOS) is bogus. That would be like concluding from the release of a
low-spec embedded x86 chip that x86 is dead for e.g. Windows. Would be silly, don't you agree?
> You may get excited about new embedded products
You may be fantasizing. Simply stating that a product exists does not mean getting excited about it, especially if it's just an answer to someone who denied the existence of that product. And you may remember that it wasn't even me who started this thread about the MPC5125.
> we are at MorphZone, and our scope here is different.
Yes, of course. But even in context of MorphOS your way of concluding doesn't make any sense.
Btw, may I ask what do you conclude from the specs of
PowerPC A2,
ACP34xx/Axxia/PPC476FP and
QorIQ/e500mc in view of MorphOS?