Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
From: USA
And to pull off what SixK is saying, it would likely involve hitting some kind of verticle market to get a sustainable cash flow that is reliable enough to support development.
@SixK I hate to say it, but it is no longer just "missing feature X," it's that any, and all, Amiga-like OS's are just out of the mainstream development cycle. Even implementing some missing features is no longer enough, our beloved platform(s) have got to somehow be moved back into the development cycle of third parties. Not impossible, just difficult.
Using Efika and MorphOS as an example: develop a shoutcast blade-server. This could, in effect, generate a revenue stream and a demand for a RealMedia(tm) blade server. Such an event could address that lack of support. The same could be repeated for VoIP, Efika w/MorphOS used as an internet phone-base. These sorts of things could put the whole kit-n-kabootle back into a few development cycles that pay for themselves. By the way, don't take my examples as the winning recipe--it is just a example for an idea

It is exactly what Apple did with the iPod, without which--the Macs would be a historical footnote by now.