Posts: 2364 from 2003/2/24
No 10: of these are fixes and excuses for issues Sprocki reported a while back:
- made sure Panels and PanelPrefs stay in sync
- Quitting PanelApp will now inform PanelPrefs and wait for it to close before expunging panel.library
- added some safeguards when triggering zipping while already zipping but haven't been able to to 100% fix the issue of the Panel getting stuck halfzipped
- updated the icon decoding for yet another brain dead format (32Bit GlowIcons ... WTF!)
- starting iconless files from Panels does not work as that just isn't supported by WBStartup (internal panels just go into mime stuff)
- opeing folder into listers won't work for similar reasons
- most def_icons aren't included, just some busy work I haven't gotten around
IMO this stuff should not be done by copying code from Ambient (there is already far to much and it's just gonna be a headache sooner or later) but by moving the functionality into the right libraries.
WBStartup lives in Ambient, so having it go into the mime stuff should be easy.
Updating/expanding icon.library so one can directly get a proper 32bit image and than having Ambient it self go there sound plausible.
Same goes for the handling of prefs files it either being it's own thing or part of an ambient.libray depending how usefull they would be outside Ambient related apps/classes.
All in all I am at a point where serious work needs to start on Ambient itself, meaning that future updates won't work with publicly available versions of Ambient.
Whether I'll release custom builds is to be seen.