TinyGL: FBO, Shaders and futur improvements
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 508 from 2003/4/11
    Thanks for the additional info!

    I can't (yet) reproduce the problem here, but I should be able to with a bit of swapping around of hardware, and I'll try to get the problem resolved for the next update.
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username]@asgaard.morphos-team.net, where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »20.10.22 - 15:56
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2081 from 2003/4/10
    From: France

    bigfoot a écrit :
    Thanks for the additional info!

    I can't (yet) reproduce the problem here, but I should be able to with a bit of swapping around of hardware, and I'll try to get the problem resolved for the next update.

    Thanks to you!
  • »20.10.22 - 19:29
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 552 from 2015/6/18
    From: Funeralopolis

    bigfoot schrieb:

    ernsteiswuerfel wrote:
    [...] But I think it got an additional glitch at some time with the TinyGL beta versions: The sky is often flickering with little squares (about 5x5mm) shining through.

    As Koszer wrote, this sounds a lot like a problem I fixed this weekend. I'll try to get a small bugfix update out this week that will include a fix for that.

    The "flickering sky glitch" is gone with current TinyGL-Beta. Thanks!

    I noticed another thing. On some courses (but not all) there are wrongly coloured (blue, red, yellow, etc.) lawn textures. E.g. Immola is all good, but Melbourne shows several sections of the track wrongly coloured. Hopefully attaching screenshot works...

    Machine is a G5 11,2 + ATI X1300 (r500). Screenshot: 9b112a2cd28f7b0aa6bd16433731f449

    [ Editiert durch ernsteiswuerfel 26.10.2022 - 14:51 ]
    Talos II. [Gentoo Linux] | PMac G5 11,2. PMac G4 3,6. PBook G4 5,8. [MorphOS 3.18 / Gentoo Linux] | Vampire V4 SA [ApolloOS / Amiga OS 3.2.2]
  • »26.10.22 - 13:50
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 508 from 2003/4/11

    ernsteiswuerfel wrote:
    I noticed another thing. On some courses (but not all) there are wrongly coloured (blue, red, yellow, etc.) lawn textures. E.g. Immola is all good, but Melbourne shows several sections of the track wrongly coloured. Hopefully attaching screenshot works...

    Machine is a G5 11,2 + ATI X1300 (r500). Screenshot: 9b112a2cd28f7b0aa6bd16433731f449

    Screenshot worked! That's an interesting one. Is this R500 only? If there's anyone who can reproduce this problem on R300 or R400, or conversely can't reproduce this on R500, please let me know. It might help me narrow down the problem a bit.
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username]@asgaard.morphos-team.net, where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »27.10.22 - 13:06
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 750 from 2011/11/30
    ^ Are you sure that's an issue with VGP2? I am using hq tetures and have the exact same picture but it's been too long since I 've played it and can't remember how was the normal textures. My system features a 9800 Pro 256MB flashed. What if you revert back to official 3.17 tingl, does it look different?
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »28.10.22 - 19:11
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 44 from 2007/8/4
    From: Vaasa/Finland

    eastone wrote:
    Big Thanks @bigfoot !!!!
    All examples are working well on my G4 with Radeon 9650 and G5 with Radeon x1900GT :)

    I guess I hurried up with a comment. While everything works fine on the G4 and R300, it is not so good on the G5 and R580. ShaderBoy randomly freezes my system when changing presets. Checked on versions dated 5.10 and 19.10
  • »29.10.22 - 21:16
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 750 from 2011/11/30

    Cool_amigaN wrote:
    Thanks Mark!

    Could be my flashed RadeonXT 9800 256MB AGP but on ShaderBoy when choosing Preset: Twister, my system freezes. Can somebody else pls test it as well?

    Latest version 2022-10-19 fixed the above problem :)

    Edit, unless the error was inside shaderboy which I just saw that it also got updated :P

    Btw, Tcheko sorry mate about the damn firewire log, I purchased a drive for the sole purpose but I am having difficulty getting it to run (mentioned in a different thread).

    [ Edited by Cool_amigaN 29.10.2022 - 23:33 ]
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »29.10.22 - 21:28
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 44 from 2007/8/4
    From: Vaasa/Finland

    Cool_amigaN wrote:]

    Latest version 2022-10-19 fixed the above problem :)

    Maybe it works on R300, but I'm talking about R500. The freeze occurs (at least today, yesterday even after only the presets are changed) after maximizing and minimizing the window with a double click on the title bar.
    The problem is completely random regardless of the shader settings. Sometimes after a few tries, other times I can't reproduce the problem after e.g. 20-30 tries.
    I am attaching pictures of the frozen screens.
    The next problem is with the skybox setting.
    After turning on skybox as background and everything is ok. Then after maximizing the window the skybox disappears.
    To show the problem, I am attaching a video.



    [ Edited by eastone 30.10.2022 - 13:44 ]
  • »30.10.22 - 12:43
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 552 from 2015/6/18
    From: Funeralopolis

    bigfoot schrieb:

    ernsteiswuerfel wrote:
    I noticed another thing. On some courses (but not all) there are wrongly coloured (blue, red, yellow, etc.) lawn textures. E.g. Immola is all good, but Melbourne shows several sections of the track wrongly coloured. Hopefully attaching screenshot works...

    Machine is a G5 11,2 + ATI X1300 (r500). Screenshot: 9b112a2cd28f7b0aa6bd16433731f449

    Screenshot worked! That's an interesting one. Is this R500 only? If there's anyone who can reproduce this problem on R300 or R400, or conversely can't reproduce this on R500, please let me know. It might help me narrow down the problem a bit.

    Just tried on my PowerBook 5,8 and got the same effect on its' Radeon 9700M (TinyGL-Update 2022-10-19).
    Talos II. [Gentoo Linux] | PMac G5 11,2. PMac G4 3,6. PBook G4 5,8. [MorphOS 3.18 / Gentoo Linux] | Vampire V4 SA [ApolloOS / Amiga OS 3.2.2]
  • »12.11.22 - 13:45
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 508 from 2003/4/11
    Hi guys!

    So it's been a short while since I've last posted in here, so I figure it's time for a status update.

    First I'll start with the bad news: South Africa, where I live, has been hit really hard with problems with electricity generation. The last couple of months, it's been much worse than it ever has before. That means that most days I'm without electricity for about 4 hours, and on bad days - such as yesterday - I'm without electricity for 10 hours. On really bad days, when there's a breakdown of electricity infrastructure, there's just no electricity at all. That's unfortunately also happening at an increasing rate.

    I'm mentioning this because I know that I'm well beyond the self-imposed deadline for being done with this project, but I'm hoping that in light of the above, you can forgive me for not yet being done with this bounty.

    The good news: I'll be releasing another TinyGL update probably next weekend. Project 1: Implement the fixed-function OpenGL pipeline as shaders is very close to being done now, and I've spent the past couple of days fixing bugs resulting from implementing this, or bugs exposed by this feature finally being available. Besides that there's a mountain of bug fixes and other OpenGL compliance changes I've done since the last public release, so much so that I'm not looking forward to having to write the changelog :)

    I've also ported the most recent version of FreeGLUT to MorphOS, as a shared library named freeglut.library. GLUT is used for many smaller OpenGL examples and demos, including the ones I've written for this for bounty, and having a current version of FreeGLUT available means that compiling many third-party OpenGL examples will require a lot less effort than before, and they will work better as well. freeglut.library will be included in the TinyGL update I'll be releasing next.
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username]@asgaard.morphos-team.net, where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »09.12.22 - 16:52
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 552 from 2015/6/18
    From: Funeralopolis
    Who would have thought of South Africa being ravaged by power outages to that extent?? Not me, for sure! Is this 'business as usual' for the time of the year or are there specific reasons?

    And for the bounty - I think most people will understand. Also having freeglut ported is an additional bonus above the bounty we could not have expected. Looking forward do your update!
    Talos II. [Gentoo Linux] | PMac G5 11,2. PMac G4 3,6. PBook G4 5,8. [MorphOS 3.18 / Gentoo Linux] | Vampire V4 SA [ApolloOS / Amiga OS 3.2.2]
  • »09.12.22 - 17:54
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2081 from 2003/4/10
    From: France
    @bigfoot: if you have a G5 to compile, normal they switch off electricity ;-)

    I hope you desagrement will stop quickly...

    Thanks a lot for the bonus FreeGLUT!

    No probleme to waiting the next update and others, we know you give the best for this project.
  • »09.12.22 - 18:25
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 28 from 2004/2/7
    From: Slovakia
    Hi Mark.
    I see you don't have it easy. I think it doesn't matter to make a deadline, but very important and I think that not only for me is that the project will take place in the future.
    Keep my fingers crossed and I look forward to updating.
    MB :Pegasos-II
    CPU :G4/1GHz
    OS :MOS 2.2 reg, MOS 1.4.5, Ubuntu 8.04, MACOSX Panther on MOLk
    RAM :512MB-DDR266 Apacer
    GFX :ATI-Radeon 9200 128MB
    HDD :MAXTOR-160+80GB ATA133
    TV :Pinnacle Studio PCTV

    Powerbook G4 A1139, MOS3.18
  • »09.12.22 - 18:57
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 516 from 2013/5/29
    No problem Mark. Your work is fantastic. Hope things goes better.
    MorphOS: PowerMac G5 - PowerBook G4 - MacMini.
    Classic: Amiga 1200/060 - A500 PiStorm
  • »09.12.22 - 20:34
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 508 from 2003/4/11

    ernsteiswuerfel wrote:
    Who would have thought of South Africa being ravaged by power outages to that extent?? Not me, for sure! Is this 'business as usual' for the time of the year or are there specific reasons?

    The fact that we have loadshedding - which is our local term for rolling blackouts - is not new or unexpected. That's been going on for about 10 years now, what is new and unexpected is the extent of it. To quote Wikipedia: "By the end of September, 2022 had had more load shedding than all previous years combined." This year's loadshedding has been massive, relentless and unprecedented.
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username]@asgaard.morphos-team.net, where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »10.12.22 - 05:26
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  • IKE
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 146 from 2009/11/7
    From: Southern CA
    Appreciate the transparency...keep up the good work!

    MacMini G4 1.5Ghz/PowerBook G4 1.67Ghz/PowerMac G5 2.0Ghz DP 7,2 Radeon 9650/256MB

    Join the conversation @ r/morphos
  • »10.12.22 - 05:41
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 213 from 2019/10/15
    Living in the same country as BigFoot, I understand his pain.

    Thanks for the great work you are doing! Hope fully I might be see you again one day soon :-)
  • »10.12.22 - 08:32
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 508 from 2003/4/11
    Thank you for the support, everyone! I appreciate it! :)

    The sixth public TinyGL beta release is now out.

    The main change in this update is the completion of project 1: Implement the fixed-function OpenGL pipeline as shaders. This change fixes a variety of rendering problems in various apps and games on hardware that currently supports shaders, meaning R300 and newer.

    Unfortunately there are a couple of known regressions in this update as well, but at this point they've reached a number and severity that is low enough that I didn't want to hold off this update any longer before getting it out to you all.

    The known problems all affect R300 and newer hardware and are:
    - Virtual Grand Prix 2 runs noticeably slower than before, and the rear view mirrors no longer render correctly.
    - FooBillard has rendering glitches it didn't have before. However this update also does fix some rendering issues that were previously broken, so this one is a mixed bag.
    - Descent Freespace is completely broken.
    - Reportedly there's an issue with the plasma blanker, but I'm not entirely sure of the details at this point.

    I will probably release one more TinyGL update this year that hopefully addresses all of the above, plus any other regressions that might be reported by you.
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username]@asgaard.morphos-team.net, where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »16.12.22 - 13:28
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  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 508 from 2003/4/11
    I also want to say thank you to the usual suspects for testing the TinyGL changes for me! In particular beworld has supplied me with plenty of examples of things that didn't work for me to fix, as well as provided feedback on the changes I've made. jPV has also put in considerable effort doing regression testing for me this week, helping me put out a TinyGL update with much fewer regressions than it would have otherwise had. Also a thank you to cyfm for incessantly pestering me to fix regressions in Blender ;) And lastly a continued thank you to all of you for supporting this project!

    [ Edited by bigfoot 16.12.2022 - 13:36 ]
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username]@asgaard.morphos-team.net, where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »16.12.22 - 13:35
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 213 from 2019/10/15
    Hey bigfoot,

    I just installed the latest version on my FrankenMac, and now the Shader Test fails with :

    A required OpenGL extension, "GL_ARB_shader_objects", is not supported

    Clicking on GraphicsBoards, the driver says:

    Driver: ATIRadeon 52.40 (5.8.2022)

    ^ The date looks "old" or is that correct?

    Device: RV360 [Radeon 9600/X1050 Series] (0x4152)

    p.s. Previous version of the beta didn't show this behavior.

  • »16.12.22 - 14:07
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 508 from 2003/4/11

    MoerBoer wrote:
    Hey bigfoot,

    I just installed the latest version on my FrankenMac, and now the Shader Test fails with :

    A required OpenGL extension, "GL_ARB_shader_objects", is not supported

    Whoops. Well, it seems like this problem is in Shader Test itself, rather than the TinyGL update itself. If you try to run Shader Test from the previous update (with the current update installed), then I guess it works correctly?


    MoerBoer wrote:
    Clicking on GraphicsBoards, the driver says:

    Driver: ATIRadeon 52.40 (5.8.2022)

    ^ The date looks "old" or is that correct?

    That is correct! The version shown there is that of the '2D' part of the driver.
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username]@asgaard.morphos-team.net, where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »16.12.22 - 14:17
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 213 from 2019/10/15

    bigfoot wrote:

    MoerBoer wrote:
    Hey bigfoot,

    I just installed the latest version on my FrankenMac, and now the Shader Test fails with :

    A required OpenGL extension, "GL_ARB_shader_objects", is not supported

    Whoops. Well, it seems like this problem is in Shader Test itself, rather than the TinyGL update itself. If you try to run Shader Test from the previous update (with the current update installed), then I guess it works correctly?


    MoerBoer wrote:
    Clicking on GraphicsBoards, the driver says:

    Driver: ATIRadeon 52.40 (5.8.2022)

    ^ The date looks "old" or is that correct?

    That is correct! The version shown there is that of the '2D' part of the driver.

    Confirmed, older Shader Test works :-)
  • »16.12.22 - 14:20
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 508 from 2003/4/11

    MoerBoer wrote:
    Confirmed, older Shader Test works :-)

    I've updated the TinyGL update archive to include a working version of Shader Test now :D So anyone who downloads the update from now on should have that working.
    I rarely log in to MorphZone which means that I often miss private messages sent on here. If you wish to contact me, please email me at [username]@asgaard.morphos-team.net, where [username] is my username here on MorphZone.
  • »16.12.22 - 14:31
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2081 from 2003/4/10
    From: France

    bigfoot a écrit :
    I've updated the TinyGL update archive to include a working version of Shader Test now :D So anyone who downloads the update from now on should have that working.

    Glitchs fixed on Shader test here and dark colors fixed too on Neverput and neverball!

    Thanks a lot bigfoot for this new update!

    Continue testing...
  • »16.12.22 - 15:53
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