What do you do with MorphOS?
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 213 from 2019/10/15
    I'm interested to hear what people actually use MorphOS for?

    For me, it's a fun break from my other machines with their operating systems. I usually do the following when I log in:
    - Control the machine via Synergy, it's got no keyboard or mouse connected.
    - AmiIRC to chat to the awesome MorphOS community.
    - WayFarer to check any new news here / check for new software on morphos-storage and general browsing.
    - Iris to check my private Gmail account's mail.
    - imp3 for some old school mods and also chatting to other people.
    - RnoRadio for streaming some banging tunes.
    - Play a game or two when I need some distraction. ( Mostly Tower57 and Quake III )
    - Read the Library here and play with some of the things I learn about this cool operating system.

    [ Edited by MoerBoer 25.01.2022 - 15:35 ]
  • »25.01.22 - 14:35
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 21 from 2021/6/26
    From: UK

    [ Edited by Tomtom76 25.01.2022 - 15:09 ]
  • »25.01.22 - 16:01
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 21 from 2021/6/26
    From: UK
    Im playing games, emulate other systems and using web browser Wayfarer. I also play classic Amiga games but can not figure out how to save my scores in pinball games. That make me sad cos all my achievements are going to NeverHappenLand lol. Maybe someone will advice poor nostalgic user please. From the other hand Morphos is a modern Amiga system without horrendes price. If i wouldnt have a PC already on my desk i would use G5 machine instead 100%. But Im really happy with everything on my PowerBook G4. And is obviously portable.
  • »25.01.22 - 16:07
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 167 from 2004/1/6
    Nothing, still waiting for x64/x86 version :D
  • »25.01.22 - 18:56
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 21 from 2021/6/26
    From: UK
    That would be perfect. I guess Bigfoot is working on it for 4 years. If he/her is alone on that well wait another 10 years. Many of us will be in another world. But han on..... another 2 weeks? Did Bigfoot ask anybody for help? I mean professional. If not nothing is serious. You cant do everything on your own these world. I wanna be wrong but it doesnt looks good. First Amiga world must be serious about doing stuff than thinking about future. Morphos is fantastic but will shrink soon if Apple machines will go to Neverland in some years. So on. Also AMD ......well have something else..maybe CCComputers Zommodore. Fu***perion Funtimer etc. All my views are for fun but lets think about it. Weve got no choice being fans. Others (M$,Pear) need to compete
  • »25.01.22 - 19:56
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 750 from 2011/11/30
    Browsing (Wayfarer), E-mailing (Iris), Streaming music (WebRadio), Hollywood/Designer/Cubic IDE/FlowStudio (for offering a tiny help to jPV on Real Amiga SWOS Total Pack), AMIRC (chat), RNO XFER (ftp), Dizzy (torrenting), mp3 Jamming with a Hercules DJ console and Soundbankster, amiga music mods with ANR, remote desktop via VNC and RDesktop, a LOT of gaming (uae) and native MorphOS plus emulation (SCUMMVM/MAME) or regular big ports (OpenBOR paks) some ArtEffect/CandyFactory/ArtStudio Pro, video playback with latest MPlayer and many - many more as I have gathered a collection of 256GB worth of programs/games/docs-audio-video files all related to the Amiga/MorphOS (just ordered a new 480GB SSD to compensate my ongoing need for space btw). TBH apart from an office suite MorphOS has everything else I care for (well that - and apart from running on a beasty x64 ;)).
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »25.01.22 - 23:00
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 540 from 2012/4/28
    Use transfer for web uploading pages, Internet browse with OWB and Wayfarer, and learning programming with Holly and MorphOS target also visit the MorphOS and AmigaOS4 webs and forums.
  • »26.01.22 - 11:36
  • jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2042 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO
    I'm using MorphOS as my main daily computer, doing pretty much everything with it.

    Here's what I use regularly and have done within the last week, for example:
    - General browsing and YouTube with Wayfarer
    - E-mails with Iris, and still in some degree with SimpleMail
    - Coding Hollywood apps with CubicIDE and FlowStudio
    - Listening MP3:s with Jukebox (no GUI, just the wide screebar module that lets me see/control music playback on all screens)
    - Chatting with AmIRC
    - Watching videos with MPlayer
    - Accessing my home page servers with RNOXfer (other one with FTPS and other SFTP)
    - Graphics editing with RNOEffects, ShowCase, ArtEffect, and PPaint
    - Keeping my photo collection on my MorphOS machine, I connect my camera and phone with a USB cable for transferring files, and then process them with ShowCase (mostly resizing, cropping, sharpening, and straightening the horizon)
    - Reading PDFs with RNOPDF and printing PDFs with VPDF
    - Writing documents to print with Final Writer and RNOPublisher
    - Editing MP3 ID3 tags with RNOTags
    - Checking web cams, weather info, RSS feeds, and timing alarms with RNOWidgets
    - Boiling eggs with EggTimer (yes, really using that for the purpose it was made, and sometimes for other cooking when my wife tells me to time something) :D
    - Calling BBSes with DCTelnet
    - Scanning with SCANdal (had to process lots of old documents lately)

    Things that I do on other machines, but control them from my MorphOS setup (Linux machines aren't even connected to a monitor):
    - Emulating OS4 on a Windows machine to test my programs. I mount the HDF image of OS4 with FileImgCtrl over an SMBFS share, so OS4's partition becomes a drive on MorphOS desktop, easy to copy files then. Then I connect to the PC with RDesktop and run WinUAE there... then I'll have OS4 on a window on MorphOS :)
    - Occasionally doing some other stuff over RDesktop with Windows, listening Spotify or streaming other content that way sometimes
    - I have a dedicated Linux machine for torrents, which I control graphically with RDesktop (XRDP installed on Linux) or by SSH with RemoteShell. I haven't bothered to install Samba there, so I mount its drives with SSH2FS.
    - Then I have a separate Linux based file server, which I access with RemoteShell and SMBFS. I do file handling with Ambient/DOpus over the SMB mount.

    Umm... probably forgot many other things... for games I haven't had time in years, there would be tens of new games for MorphOS since I last tried any, maybe some day :)
  • »26.01.22 - 18:08
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 213 from 2019/10/15
    That's really impressive jPV!
  • »28.01.22 - 09:02
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2022/1/1
    Currently? Nothing.

    Installing MorphOS on my 14" iBook was a "Because I can" kinda thing. I've been staring at MorphOS through 30min intervals and thought it was kinda neat but not 70€ neat... until I wound up having 70€ to burn. It does perform better than MacOS 10.5 or even 10.4, which I find interesting. Hell I can even watch YouTube at a speed faster than one minute per frame (granted, we're talking about like 15FPS but still).

    I wonder if it has LibreOffice...


    What I intend to do with it is mostly play Amiga games. Until the parts to fix my actual Amiga arrive, anyway.
    Just an amateur hobo with a degree in professional alcohology.
  • »14.02.22 - 09:30
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > I wonder if it has LibreOffice...

    Unfortunately not.
  • »14.02.22 - 11:52
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1260 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    I'm similar to jPV! Doing nearly anything with MOS and additional my office-correspondence is done by YAM (and IRIS).
    Only when office-SW (Word/Excel/PPT/Open Office or something I need which does'nt exist under MOS) is needed, I boot MacOSX or import a Nettop (Windows) with VNC to Ambient.
    For online data-transfer between different systems and as "YAM-mailserver", I use my little EFIKA (also running MOS).
    Thats a pretty good purpose to have an EFIKA - does'nt consume much energy and is absolute silent. Can also be used as small Apache-server.
    Telebanking, tax and revenue office, public dues, etc. can be done flawless with Wayfarer.
    I use 3xG5 and (of course) the EFIKA, and a VNC-operated Zotac-Nettop (Windows) in my office.

    For other purposes (and hobby) I use one more G5, PegasosII, 2xMini and 2xPB and a ASUS-Notebook (to be mobile).
    The Asus-Notebook is my OBD-server for my Guzzi-Bikes. But data stored and processed on G5.

    On Asus also runs my self-made "TI-74 PC-Interface". But programs/data from TI-74 edited/written on G5 useing MorphED. (unfortunately interface is now electrically brocken, and I've actually no time to fix ist...). This interface needs to access a parallel-port directly, because of time-critcal routines and a lot of tricks are needed to get it running (more or less) on Asus (it's technology from the 80th!). Maybe I can do this on PEGII-parallelport under MOS sometimes in future - it's ony sending and receiving data/files but prepared for TI's (very) exotic HexBus....

    You see: I use non MOS-Systems only if there is no other way.......
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »14.02.22 - 16:33
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 358 from 2019/5/9
    From: Central Bohemi...

    Amigaharry2 wrote:
    For online data-transfer between different systems and as "YAM-mailserver", I use my little EFIKA (also running MOS).
    Thats a pretty good purpose to have an EFIKA - does'nt consume much energy and is absolute silent. Can also be used as small Apache-server.

    Pls, what linux distro and version do you use on Efika? Can you recomend it?
    I suppose you run there also linux, because as I know MorphOS has no mailserver.

    [ Edited by sailor 14.02.2022 - 19:55 ]
    AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
    AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOneX1000
    MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Pegasos II, Powerbook G4, Mac Mini, iMac G5, Powermac G5 Quad
  • »14.02.22 - 19:49
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1260 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    I use MOS! And it's NOT a real mailserver (therefore the quotes). There are only the Folders, config-files and indexfiles of YAM outsourced to the EFIKA. Both G5 (an sometime both Powerbooks too) are useing those folders/files together via Envoy-Net, so they are always synchronal. The G5 are on different locations at same office, but they never access those folders at exact the same time (before index is rebuilt). If they do, you may run in index-error - but never had that problem till yet.

    Apacheserver is MOS-native and datatransfer to Windows uses samba.

    Linux: OpenSuse for Efika can be found herehttps://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Efika
    I have'nt tried it, because I think, that 128MB RAM is'nt enough for useing linux seriously.....

    Edit: corrected wrong link!

    [ Editiert durch Amigaharry2 15.02.2022 - 07:53 ]
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »14.02.22 - 22:47
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 358 from 2019/5/9
    From: Central Bohemi...
    That is clear now, thanks. I just ask, because I am curious what linux is useful for Efika. I found only very very old distros, with broken links to download. Surprisingly ;-). Btw, your link is to Amiga HW database/oktagon, not to linux.

    Sometimes I would try linux on Efika - at least check if it recognizes two IDE devices. MorphOS lags behind here, has only one device hardcoded in driver and Efika is capable of two.

    Linux can run on 128MB, of course without graphics desktop. For some network apps it can be convenient.
    AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
    AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOneX1000
    MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Pegasos II, Powerbook G4, Mac Mini, iMac G5, Powermac G5 Quad
  • »15.02.22 - 06:41
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1260 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    Thanks! Link corrected.
    I know, that a "barebone" linux will run - discussed that with BPLAN years ago, but I never tried ist.....

    Btw: Linux checks both IDE-Channels and the serial port. It's also available under Open Firmware.

    [ Editiert durch Amigaharry2 15.02.2022 - 18:10 ]
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »15.02.22 - 07:57
  • MDW
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 460 from 2003/7/26
    From: Wroclaw/Poland
    Flow Development Studio, GCC10, C/C++, GIT, VIM, VPDF, RNOPDF, TinyGL, Iris, Python 2, Wayfarer, ShowCase, players for MOD/XM/DBM/MP3/OGG (especially AmiNetRadio), RNORadio for internet radio, AmIRC, RC-FTPd, Samba, sometimes (very rarely) ImageFX, ArtEffect, TVPaint.
    I also watch demos for MorphOS (or AmigaOS which work on MOS).

    I don't need x64 for doing something under MorphOS. :) However after release MorphOS for x64 I am going to buy a laptop supported by MorphOS x64.

    [ Edited by MDW 16.02.2022 - 12:12 ]
  • »15.02.22 - 17:10
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 6 from 2022/2/16

    I use MorphOS for creating Amitopia. I use Wayfarer for WordPress. Then I use MorphOS for testing MorphOS and AmigaOS 68k applications such as AmiTube.

    I also use MPlayer for music and TVPaint, Photogenics 5, Showgirls, FXPaint for graphics.

    Since this is my first post in years here. My name is Michal and I've been running Amitopia since 1998. I love to write about MorphOS and recently changed the style of the site a bit so I can provide more content for Nextgen Amiga users.

    All the best :) !
  • »16.02.22 - 11:06
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > this is my first post in years here.

    Why the decision to not use your old account any longer?
  • »16.02.22 - 14:49
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 21 from 2018/3/24
    Upgrade when a new release comes out! Then use it for a short while, then forget about it until another release.
  • »10.03.22 - 12:57