EFIKA OpenFirmware
RECOGNIZES TWO ATA Devices !!!, but
MorphOS don’t. 
This topic is long, if you don't want read it, questions are at the end - paragraph 5.
1. Efika and ATAAt many forums was discussed, that is impossible to have two IDE devices in Efika5200b.
CPU 5200b manual says, that ATA provides full functional compatibility with ATA-4 and here is only mentioned, that signal CSEL is not connected. I think it can works, when devices are marked with jumpers like master/slave.
2. Working configurationAfter reading many manuals and wikis and many tries, I have this (partially working) configuration:
i) special home-made 44-pin cable( M-F-F, pairs are crossed between M-F). The crossing is really needed!! I can explain, if there will be interest.
44pincable.jpgii) adapter 44pin IDE -> mSATA SSD, with home-made additional power connector, to supply IDE bus, conected as master.
Adapter1.jpgAdapter2.jpgiii) Kingston mSATA - UV500 120GB SSD
- partitions:
bi0(Boot: with boot images, bootmenu, morphos.iso),
DH0(System:, bootpri 0),
iv) ATA 2.5“ HDD WD, connected as slave (by jumper)
- partitions:
DH0x(SystemX: - old system partition, bootpri -5),
DH1x(WorkX: old work partition)
v) it is not needed, but it is listed on next screenshots – USB with MorphOS hdimg
- partition:
SDH0(MorphOSBoot:, bootpri 15)
3. Open FirmwareIT WORKS!! Open firmware see all devices.
Here is pictures from OpenFirmware:
devaliasOF-devalias.jpgshow-devsOF-show-devs.jpgAbove we see:
hd ... mSATA on IDE master
hd0 ... HDD on IDE slave
hd1 ... usb on scsi
here is listing of partitions of all devices:
ls hdls hd0ls hd1OF-ls-devices.jpgOn every device we see correct numbers of partitions with theirs names and type.
here is listing of first partitions of IDE master and IDE slave
ls hd:0OF-ls-hd.jpgls hd0:0OF-ls-hd0.jpgOn every partition is correct files, can be listed and can be booted from(see next paragraph).
Efika OpenFirmware recognizes TWO ATA devices, and can read from them.4. MorphOs don’t recognized second deviceUnfortunatelly after boot (i.e. load boot.img) MorphOS recognized only ONE device.
Try boot from IDE master:boot hd:0 boot.img BD=DH0 (with USB inserted)
HDD2-scrrenshot-hd.jpgboot hd:0 boot.img BD=DH0 (without USB inserted)
HDD2-scrrenshot-hd-B.jpgHere is ramdebug (only one device seen)
ABox 1.30 (2.7.2018) © 1999-2018 by Ralph Schmidt, Emmanuel Lesueur, Teemu Suikki, Harry Sintonen
PPC5200 ATA/ATAPI Driver@0: PIO Mode 4
ide.device@0: Mount <bi0>
ide.device@0: Partition <bi0> DosType 0x53465300
ide.device@0: Mount <DH0>
ide.device@0: Partition <DH0> DosType 0x53465300 BootPri 0
ide.device@0: Mount <DH1>
ide.device@0: Partition <DH1> DosType 0x53465300
usbscsi.device@0: Mount <SDH0>
usbscsi.device@0: Partition <SDH0> DosType 0x444f5307 BootPri 15
Radeon: Failed to initialise Radeon DMA
Radeon: Failed to allocate CCE DMA memory
Try boot from IDE slave:boot hd0:0 boot.img BD=DH0x
it allways hangs (with/without usb inserted). Probably becouse MorphOS boot.img don't see DH0x on ide.device:1
boot hd0:0 boot.img BM
BootMenu.jpgNo second drive visible.
5. Result and questionsIt looks like Efika firmware(with appropriate HW) recognized two devices on IDE bus.
It looks like MorpOS don't recognize second device on ide bus on Efika. Maybe driver simple don't count with possibility of second device.
I have some questions:
- Do I make some mistakes in my procedures?
- Do I make some mistakes in my conclusions?
This all not just for fun - if we can use two IDE devices, we can connect DVD on IDE bus, and not stay limited to USB 1.1(1.5MB/s).
Special question for MorphOS devs - please, can you confirm that ide.device for Efika recognize only one device? Of course, if you have time look at this.
AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, Sam460LE, AmigaOneX1000
MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Sam460LE, Pegasos II, Powerbook G4, Mac Mini, iMac G5, Powermac G5 Quad