Javascript Error Message on BBRV Blog
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 430 from 2004/10/10
    From: Nella grande r...
    When I connect from my PC with OPera to BBRV blogspot site it appears a big error javascript window.

    What is this? Wrong javascript code?

    Javascript malicious code?

    It is strange. It never happened before.


    Also I can't connect MorphZone from my italian TIN.IT account, but only from TISCALI.IT account...

    From TIN.IT it says me that Site doesn't exists.

    I don't know if this is just a redirect error or a problem from the servers of my provider or perhaps has Morphzone changed its hosting service?

    Maybe there are hosting services not much apprecciated by italian providers...

    Do other Italian users here experienced my same situation?
    Bill Gates "Think!", Steve Jobs: "Think different!" So... Let these guy continue blabbering thinking and enjoy computing! We are on Amiga!
  • »20.03.07 - 10:58
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 430 from 2004/10/10
    From: Nella grande r...

    I think someone from solved the problem on their site.

    Today I connected to:

    and I encountered no javascript error message window at all.
    Bill Gates "Think!", Steve Jobs: "Think different!" So... Let these guy continue blabbering thinking and enjoy computing! We are on Amiga!
  • »22.03.07 - 07:48
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 430 from 2004/10/10
    From: Nella grande r...
    Of course it still remains the problem with my standard internet provider TIN.IT that does not load

    I can conncet to MorphZone only with TISCALI.IT.

    Any clue from other italian readers who use dial or ISDN internet connections?

    Do you experienced such the same behaviour from your internet provider?
    Bill Gates "Think!", Steve Jobs: "Think different!" So... Let these guy continue blabbering thinking and enjoy computing! We are on Amiga!
  • »22.03.07 - 07:54
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1178 from 2003/3/13
    From: Pinto, Madrid ...

    Raf_MegaByte wrote:

    I encountered no javascript error message window at all.

    It's quite common that web pages show up errors upon loading, occasionaly. The nature of web pages means that not all of its components might be ready at startup. It's a matter that the program inside the page usually assumes that all components are fully loaded at startup ("window.onLoad()"), and then fails.

    My problem with BBRV's blog is that the text on the right side (which is mostly links) looks as if it was written in 0.0000000001 font size... That started happening some weeks ago, everything was fine until then.
  • »23.03.07 - 12:04
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 430 from 2004/10/10
    From: Nella grande r...

    jcmarcos wrote:

    Raf_MegaByte wrote:

    I encountered no javascript error message window at all.

    It's quite common that web pages show up errors upon loading, occasionaly. The nature of web pages means that not all of its components might be ready at startup. It's a matter that the program inside the page usually assumes that all components are fully loaded at startup ("window.onLoad()"), and then fails.

    This was an unusual pop-up I never seen before in such a serious site like

    Unfortunately I forgot to take a screenshot of that window, so then, you could had spotted how strange it was...

    Fortunately it is not necessary anymore to take any screenshot.


    My problem with BBRV's blog is that the text on the right side (which is mostly links) looks as if it was written in 0.0000000001 font size... That started happening some weeks ago, everything was fine until then.

    Yes, this lilliputian font-size problem sometimes strikes the BBRV blogspot site, and it is very annoying.

    [ Edited by Raf_MegaByte on 2007/3/25 18:38 ]
    Bill Gates "Think!", Steve Jobs: "Think different!" So... Let these guy continue blabbering thinking and enjoy computing! We are on Amiga!
  • »25.03.07 - 18:34