Hi everyone
I tried this version but hit the same problem. Sourceforge, as far as I can tell, no longer houses the fonts.
So I end up with "OWB will not work." after various statements that it cannot load the very first font (andale I think).
Does anyone know the site where I can fetch those fonts? Of course it will mean modifying the script.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
Brumiga wrote:
Hello folks,
I did several small essays during the weekend and I managed to download the m$ truetype fonts. The problem comes from the wget command included in 'owb/datas' version 1.8.2 of 2009. it is very or even too old. Trying with version 1.19.3 of July 2015, available at http://morphos-files.net/download/wget, I almost succeed, an argument is asked '--no-check-certificate'. I then modify the script for downloading and installing the fonts and it works.
; OWB font downloader
.KEY foo
.BRA {
. KET}
failat 21
Echo "Welcome to OWB font downloader!"
If not exists c: xadUnFile
Requestchoice> nil: "OWB font downloader" "You need to have a functional XADMaster in your system" "Ok"
quit 5
Requestchoice> env: OWBch {$$} "OWB font downloader" * Do you want to download and install fonts? * * OWB needs to download ~ 4MB of fonts. * N * Installing fonts will result in copying a few ttf fonts SYS: Fonts / _ttf "" Yes "" No "
If not val "$ OWBch {$$}" eq "1"
Unsetenv OWBch {$$}
Unsetenv OWBch {$$}
Echo> t: fetchfont {$$} ".KEY F * NC: wget --no-check-certificate --tries 10 --waitretry 10 http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/corefonts/the%20fonts/ \ N \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n " . OWB WILL NOT work * * * * * Nquit * Nendif * Nc: xadUnFile t: ff_tmp <* $ * $> sys: fonts / _ttf file = #? 0 * Nrequestchoice> nil: * "OWB font downloader *" * "Failed to unpack '<F>' do archive. OWB WILL NOT WORK * "*" Ok * "* nquit 22 * Nendif"
Protect "t: fetchfont {$$}" +
"T: fetchfont {$$}" andale32
"T: fetchfont {$$}" arial32
"T: fetchfont {$$}" arialb32
"T: fetchfont {$$}" comic32
"T: fetchfont {$$}" courie32
"T: fetchfont {$$}" georgi32
"T: fetchfont {$$}" impact32
"T: fetchfont {$$}" times32
"T: fetchfont {$$}" trebuc32
"T: fetchfont {$$}" verdan32
"T: fetchfont {$$}" webdin32
Delete "t: fetchfont {$$}" "t: ff_tmp {$$}" all quiet
Echo "* NDownload full"
</ Script>
There I put c: wget to use the latest version instead of the old one. However, why does this argument have to be added to the wget command ? Me, I do not know.
Could anyone change the tags to indicate that this is an amigados script ?