Download Manager for after-hour downloads?
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 57 from 2010/1/18
    Is there a download manager for MorphOS 3.1 that would allow me to set a date and time for a download to start?

    I am on satellite internet and have FAP to deal with. I get an extra 10GB of downloads from 2AM to 8AM and want to download large files, like the Ultimate Pack that is almost a CD size download, during these times.

    Would be nice to set this, go to bed, and come back in AM with it all done.


  • »25.10.12 - 20:19
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1061 from 2009/2/26
    From: Tczew, Poland
    Check out if WallGet has such an option (I don't remeber now as I used that soft ages ago): WallGet
    MorphOS 3.x
  • »25.10.12 - 20:28
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 472 from 2006/2/23
    From: the Planet of ...
    Alternatively you can use WaitX and any downloading program.

    WaitX T 02:00 wget

    WaitX T 08:00 Break `Status COM wget` | My Rifle, My Bunny, and Me
  • »25.10.12 - 22:33
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 57 from 2010/1/18

    That app did not run under my MOS 3.1. Real old it looks like. But thanks.

    I will wait until Sunday and then try downloading the newer version trying the WaitX.

    Is there a Read Me about hot to use this WaitX? I would love to read and understand it better.

    And do I need that 2nd command WaitX T 08:00? What does that do?

  • »26.10.12 - 00:21
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > do I need that 2nd command WaitX T 08:00? What does that do?

    It terminates the wget task at 8 o'clock in case it is still running.
  • »26.10.12 - 00:28
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 57 from 2010/1/18

    Can you please elaborate step by step on how I do this?

    I was thinking this was just something I have to type on a terminal app someplace? Like MUI Shell??

    So please offer this newbie a little more detailed info on how I make this download start and happen.


  • »26.10.12 - 01:21
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1193 from 2003/2/24
    From: Helsinki, Finland
    wget is a command line application, coming from the "unix world". This means it MIGHT come with sdk, not sure, perhaps not. Anyway, you can find a separate archive on aminet.

    Also, if you're using slow and (potentially) unreliable connection, I strongly suggest Adding -c (continue) arg for wget. Whenever local file exists (and server supports it), the download will be resumed, rather than started again from the beginning.

    And yes, either put that in shell (or a script).
    So basically, wget -c url-of-the-file

    This will download files to current directory, so maybe better move somewhere else first (write f.ex. "Work:" to MUI console)

    If you have several files to download:
    1)Create files.txt file with format:

    etc. (one url per line)
    Then do:

    wget -c -i files.txt

    You might want to combine this with above "wait" version:

    WaitX T 02:00 wget -c -i files.txt

    Also note:
    If you have link in web browser that will start download when clicked, that does NOT automatically mean, it will work if you "copy link location", and do wget "paste link location". Only way to find out is trying though :-)
  • »26.10.12 - 03:44
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 57 from 2010/1/18

    so I get this message when I typed the Wait X T 02:00

    Date/Time has already passed.

    It is like it thinks I am asking for 2AM from this morning and not tomorrow morning.

    So, what additional do I need to get this to work.

    I was trying to be witty and added D 10:26:12 T 02:00 but that gives me date and time already passed.

    Maybe it needs to be day, month, year or something <grin>.

    Or do I need to stay up til midnight to get this t work to type in the command <grin>.


    EDIT: I added D 26:10:12 to the text. This time no error. The shell advanced to the next line byt with no Ram Disk:>>

    Does that mean it is waiting for tomorrow morning the 26th at 2AM to start?

    [ Edited by macsociety 25.10.2012 - 19:49 ]
  • »26.10.12 - 04:40
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 472 from 2006/2/23
    From: the Planet of ...
    Sorry for not exactly working command. Maybe someone can add an option in WaitX to make it working as expected ;).
    wget is hidden in MorphOS:Applications/OWB/Datas/wget, just make sure to copy it to C: first.
    WaitX D 26:10:2012 T 02:00 command
    This should work.

    For some basic help use command ?, and ? again only for some commands.

    MorphOS:> WaitX ?
    Usage: WaitX ([DATE=<DD/MM/YYYY>] [TIME=<HH:MM:SS>] | [YEARS=<years>] [MONTHS=<months>] [DAYS=<days>] [HOURS=<hours>] [MINS=<mins>] [SECS=<secs>]) [LOOP=<loops>] [ALWAYS] [VERBOSE] <commandline>

    DATE - Wait until DATE has been reached.
    TIME - Wait until TIME has been reached.
    YEARS - How many years to wait.
    MONTHS - How many months to wait.
    DAYS - How many days to wait.
    HOURS - How many hours to wait.
    MINS - How many minutes to wait.
    SECS - How many seconds to wait.
    LOOP - How many times to execute commandline.
    ALWAYS - Execute commandline every set interval/time/date.
    VERBOSE - Print extra info on what WaitX is doing. | My Rifle, My Bunny, and Me
  • »26.10.12 - 10:51
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