I am running the latest version of PackUltimate 1.6beta. Very nice.
I am running a different screen resolution than it comes with so I trying to move the PolyNet bar in a new position. The Ultimate bar itself moves with no problem but all the different sub bars are scattered around the screen.The problem is that I can't get the program to remember the position of all the sub bars when I move them.
The way I do it is that I open the sub bar and click on bar settings. Here I tick the show drag bar settings and move the bar in to the correct place. I then untick the drag bar and click on save all prefs.When I then click the "mother-bar" the sub bar pops up the in the right place an all is in order.
But unfortunately the program forgets the settings for the sub bar after I reboot
An I am back to square one. The new settings for the "mother-bar" are remebered.
Am I dooing something wrong?