  • TGR
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 100 from 2009/10/27
    From: Scotland
    Well I thought christmas had come early when I came across uaeload on aminet.


    UAELoad is a small wrapper between WHDLoad and E-UAE.

    It allows you to directly launch your WHDLoad games or demos from MorphOS

    So I got all files I needed.



    On your computer:
    iGame (
    E-UAE (MorphOS:
    STool (optional,

    slightly confused by this bit!


    In E-UAE:
    AmigaOS 3.x
    uae_rcli (part of E-UAE)
    WHDLoad (
    Some installed WHDLoad games or demos

    Guessing they meant I need these files in the main euae directory, and amigaOS3.x will be the contents of workbench disk? and the C and S folder from WHDload should be placed in the Euae directory? also notice uae_rcli is in a sub directory in euae! do i need to move this?

    also I'm guessing theres a mistake as the program looks for whdload.conf but the only thing I can find is WHDload.prefs!


    Well ive been messing about with it and completely disregarded the "In E-UAE" bit and setup my configurations and now have an error message:


    Impossible to find any shared path to reach the slave from E-UAE! Fix your E-UAE filesystems configurations

    Has anyone managed to get this to run?

    [ Edited by TGR on 2009/12/5 23:45 ]
    Mini Mac G4 1.25, 1gb ram, 40 gig hdd, Registered Morphos 2.6.
  • »05.12.09 - 21:16
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 133 from 2007/3/11
    Actually, "In E-UAE" means "In your E-UAE filesystems".

    You must have a working AmigaOS 3.x installation within E-UAE.
    You must have uae_rcli installed and running in this AmigaOS 3.x installation.
    You must have WHDLoad (the real one) installed in this AmigaOS 3.x installation.
    You must have some installed WHDLoad games in this AmigaOS 3.x installtion.

    About "WHDLoad.conf", it is the name of the configuration file E-UAE should be runned with (it has nothing to do with WHDLoad.prefs which is the preference file of your WHDLoad (the real one) installation in your AmigaOS 3.x under E-UAE).
    This filename is the default one. It is just an example. Did you edit the ENV/UAELoad.cfg to meet your configuration? You have some configuration example in the Bonus drawer you could copy to the Conf drawer of your E-UAE installation.

    About the reported error "no shared path", it just means that the game you expected to launch is not accessible under your E-UAE filesystems. Just add a filesytem entry in your E-UAE configuration file (the one you use in UAELoad.cfg) that can access theses files.

    For example, if your installed WHDLoad games are in "Extra:Games/WHD", you can just add this kind of entry:

    Then, UAELoad will trigger where the files are under U-UAE.
  • »06.12.09 - 10:52
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    I would also remind you that there's something similar in UAE archive itself (see bonus/).
  • »06.12.09 - 13:09
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  • TGR
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 100 from 2009/10/27
    From: Scotland
    @ Jeckel

    Thank you for the help and explanation :-)



    Practically, you can directly run a WHDLOAD game, or applications from your uae installation by using this contextmenu from Ambient.

    I've never been able to get any whdload games to load always just get the boot screen. Works perfect for single ADF's, but most of the amiga games I play are 2 or more disks hence where whdload load comes in handy with the single file.

    Do i need to change tooltype for the whdload files? No doubt its something I'm missing :-)
    Mini Mac G4 1.25, 1gb ram, 40 gig hdd, Registered Morphos 2.6.
  • »06.12.09 - 14:54
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 870 from 2008/7/11
    From: Delaware, USA
    Two issues on this
    1) running e-uae resulted in "failed to load kickstart" I had copied OS3.9 into e-uae folder [files-s,pref,c ect.]
    2) was it supposed to go into roms, or is that for whdgames? Running igame also resulted in galaga'92 hanging, unable to quit

    [ Edited by xyphoid on 2009/12/6 19:09 ]
  • »07.12.09 - 00:05
  • Moderator
    Posts: 766 from 2003/2/28
    From: Denmark

    You need a rom image as well as the OS files.
  • »07.12.09 - 02:44
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  • TGR
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 100 from 2009/10/27
    From: Scotland
    I managed to get it to work :-)

    And what it does,
    it loads up a full screen e-uae workbench and then you can go into your games partition and load the game you want!

    Whatever game you select from morphos desktop in igame will load workbench where you select the game :-)

    Great work Jeckel and thank you again for the more detailed instructions 8-)

    I have one problem left but I think thats a mos issue.
    Mini Mac G4 1.25, 1gb ram, 40 gig hdd, Registered Morphos 2.6.
  • »07.12.09 - 03:44
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 870 from 2008/7/11
    From: Delaware, USA
    1.3 kicks are in the Rom folder, still get a request for them when double clicking e-uae. Get a window which disappears immediately.
  • »07.12.09 - 17:37
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    Just configure the config file rom path option accordingly.
  • »07.12.09 - 18:40
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 929 from 2003/7/13
    From: Universe

    [ Edited by Velcro_SP 11.06.2011 - 08:13 ]
    Pegasos2 G3, 512 megs RAM
  • »07.12.09 - 18:50
  • TGR
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 100 from 2009/10/27
    From: Scotland
    This is how I setup UAELoad to work on my system, so it will give you an idea on how its meant to be setup. if you copy my guide it should work on yours :-)


    On your computer:
    iGame (
    E-UAE_0.8.29-WIP4 ()
    STool (optional,
    AMIGAOS 3.x


    First create a folder in system: ( I called mine Amiga) then inside that drawer! create a new folder called E-uae, and place the system files of E-UAE_0.8.29-WIP4 into it.

    Copy uae_rcli from E-UAE_0.8.29-WIP4/amiga/ into Sys:C/

    Now add the following line to your startup-sequence " run >nil: c:uae_rcli " after LoadWB (Ambient > Execute command "ed s:startup-sequence ")

    Now still inside the Sys:Amiga/E-UAE/ drawer create 3 more new folders and call them Workbench,Games and Demos

    I installed OS3.9 into the folder called Workbench (in E-UAE). I needed to take amigaguide.datatype and text.datatype from the OS3.9CD and place them in sys:Libs/DataTypes/ for the install to work (DataTypes does,nt exist in Sys:libs).

    Next open the WHDLoad package and view all files and
    Copy whdload C: drawer to SYS:Amiga/E-UAE/Workbench
    Copy whdload S: drawer to SYS:Amiga/E-UAE/Workbench

    Open the STool archive and place STool into Sys:C/

    Open the UAELoad archive and copy UAEload:C/whdload to Sys:C/

    Open UAELoad:Bonus and copy MorphOS-UAELoad.conf to Sys:Amiga/E-UAE/Conf/
    Now open MorphOS-UAELoad.conf and set your filepaths (My Config below)


    make sure the file is called kick40068.A1200 and not kick40068.A1200.rom

    Now open UAELoad:env and configure UAELoad.cfg (my conf below)

    uaeexe = sys:Amiga/E-UAE/e-uae
    uaecfg = sys:Amiga/E-UAE/Conf/MorphOS-UAELoad.conf
    uaescr = sys:C/STool
    uaepri = 1
    timeout = 15

    Now save UAELoad.cfg to Sys:Prefs/Env-Archive

    And place some WHDload games into Sys:Amiga/E-UAE/Games.

    Open the igame archive and place the igame folder into Sys:Amiga/E-UAE/

    Configure igame: start igame: left click, settings>Game Repositories and point it to Sys:Amiga/E-UAE/Games and remember to click add!

    Now open igame>Actions/Scan Repositories.

    Now reboot MorphOS and start igame, it doesnt matter what game you select as it will open a workbench window and you go into your games folder and select which game you want to play.

    [ Edited by TGR on 2009/12/7 19:18 ]
    Mini Mac G4 1.25, 1gb ram, 40 gig hdd, Registered Morphos 2.6.
  • »07.12.09 - 19:12
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 133 from 2007/3/11
    Hmm, there is a mistake here.
    uaescr should be set to "n/a" to enable the "screentofront" feature ("n/a" represents the name of the unamed E-UAE screen as explained in the readme).
  • »07.12.09 - 20:50
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 870 from 2008/7/11
    From: Delaware, USA
    My ambient screen got screwed up some how, not exactly sure how or why, but windows wont open, mouse click under text wont execute,graphics are altered as if no 3d layers, icons wont so up in opened to shell. I think I'm done!!
  • »08.12.09 - 06:20
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2129 from 2003/3/1
    From: Los Angeles
    Those Roms are still intellectual property of Amiga inc... and need to be licensed
    Pegasos 2 Rev 2B3 w/ Freescale 7447 "G4" @ 1ghz / 1gb Nanya Ram
    Quad Boot: MorphOS 2.7 | Amiga OS4.1 U4 | Ubuntu PPC GNU/Linux | OS X 10.4
  • »08.12.09 - 06:56
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  • deb
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 76 from 2004/11/17

    I've made a script that doesn't require arexx or config editing. the script mounts the game or application dir automatically for you, and it let you pass assigns to it.
    This script does't check if e-uae is running. so it is necessary to quit e-uae before you can start another game or application.

    This is what you have to do:

    1. download uae-start.lha and unpack it to ram:
    2. download the following files and unpack them all to ram:

    3. move and rename ram:e-uae-0.8.29-WIP3/e-uae.sdl to ram:UAE/uae
    4. move ram:UAE map to somewhere on your hd (for example "Work:Emulation/") and make an assign to it in s:user-startup
    for example "Assign UAE: Work:Emulation/UAE"
    5. move ram:sys/prefs/ambient/filetypes/internal/x-morphos-globalaction-file to sys:prefs/ambient/filetypes/internal/
    6. Copy your AmigaOS 3.x installation map to UAE: and rename it to wb
    7. move ram:WBRun/WBRun to UAE:wb/c/
    and ram:WBRun/parm.library to UAE:wb/libs/
    8. Copy your Amiga 3.x rom to UAE:Roms/ and rename it to kick.rom
    9. Add the following text to UAE:wb/s/Starup-Sequence after LoadWB and before EndCLI

    If exists ramtemp:file NOREQ
    cd APP:
    Execute >NIL: TMP:file

    Now reboot

    To start any whd-game or application, right-click on it in Ambient and select "RUN in UAE"

    To pass assings, do this,

    Make a new text-file, add any assign you need. something like this:

    Assign AMOS: APP:
    Assign Libs: APP:Libs ADD

    "APP:" is needed because thats the root directory of your application
    Now save it to the application-dir and name it "uae-startup"

    EDIT1: Something went wrong, I don't see my attechment
    EDIT2: You can download uae-start.lha here:

    [ Edited by deb on 2009/12/8 18:43 ]
  • »08.12.09 - 16:22
  • TGR
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 100 from 2009/10/27
    From: Scotland
    Thanks deb 8-). I'll try that out and let you know my results :-)
    Mini Mac G4 1.25, 1gb ram, 40 gig hdd, Registered Morphos 2.6.
  • »08.12.09 - 20:41
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 133 from 2007/3/11

    TGR wrote:
    Thanks deb 8-). I'll try that out and let you know my results :-)

    For such a usage from Ambient menu, I would suggest you to use the simple REXX script Fab told you about instead.
    It's really the easiest way (but for typical WHDLoad usage, I think iGame is nice).
  • »08.12.09 - 21:23
  • TGR
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 100 from 2009/10/27
    From: Scotland
    I'm being greedy and have the 3 installs :-). I know most of this stuff is simple to you guys, but to me its an achievement to get them working.

    I like the way that I've managed to get your script to work, I'm guessing when you click on an igame game its meant to open that game? but the way I've done it, its more like an amikit version for MorphOS (don't know how I've managed that)

    my setup is above maybe, I've missed something out?

    wasn't quite sure what to do with stools! or how to get it to run.

    [ Edited by TGR on 2009/12/8 21:57 ]
    Mini Mac G4 1.25, 1gb ram, 40 gig hdd, Registered Morphos 2.6.
  • »08.12.09 - 21:55
  • deb
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 76 from 2004/11/17


    For such a usage from Ambient menu, I would suggest you to use the simple REXX script Fab told you about instead. It's really the easiest way

    With all due respect to Fab, could you tell me why you think that my script is not as easy and simple as the script of Fab?
  • »08.12.09 - 22:51
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1061 from 2009/2/26
    From: Tczew, Poland
    I'm using the tutorial from obligement (thanks guys!) but i have one problem. Where can I find configuration for keyboard? I mean - how can i check what keys are mapped with kbd1, 2 and 3? Is there any way of making my own keyboard config?
    MorphOS 3.x
  • »13.12.09 - 00:42
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 309 from 2005/10/18
    From: No(R)way
    Thanks, i havent configured it yet, but will get done !!
    MacMiniG4 MOS 3.18 rulez ... For music check: Horrordelic Records - Dark Psychedelic Music Since 2011 -
  • »13.12.09 - 15:09
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 870 from 2008/7/11
    From: Delaware, USA
    For example, if your installed WHDLoad games are in "Extra:Games/WHD", you can just add this kind of entry:

    Then, UAELoad will trigger where the files are under U-UAE.

    ok managed to not screw up this time, but getting the same error
    for morphos-uaeload.config I have....



    and the uaeload.cfg is

    uaeexe = mymorphos:Amigaemulation/E-UAE/e-uae
    uaecfg = mymorphos:AmigaEmulation/E-UAE/Conf/MorphOS-UAEload.conf
    uaescr = n/a
    uaepri = 1
    timeout = 10

    What am I not seeing right guys?
  • »20.12.09 - 00:59
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 870 from 2008/7/11
    From: Delaware, USA
    ok I'm up and going now few issues though
    1) get a pop-up about uae not ready check installation of slowly. I go to the booted screen and aos3is up and going
    2) how do i intergrate joypad contol poseidon?
    3) how do you quit?
    4) how do you use hdf?
    5) using pal hi res anything better? (without the flickr)
    6) how do you set up the bonus scripts not sure if I did it correctly is it just the scripts which go in sys:prefs/ambient, or the folder

    [ Edited by xyphoid on 2010/7/26 10:28 ]
  • »26.07.10 - 14:21