#amigazeux Release Overdose
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 148 from 2003/3/4
    From: #amigazeux
    One New Screenbar-Plugin and Three Updates

    11.09.2009 - Uptime V1.0
    Uptime is a Screenbar-Plugin for MorphOS.

    [list]Displays the Systems Uptime in the screen title.[/list]
    [list]Can display the current uptime vs the uptime record in a gauge.[/list]
    [list]Will display the uptime record in a bubble when being clicked.[/list]
    [list]Everything is fully configurable.[/list]
    Requirements: MorphOS 2.0

    Download Uptime V1.0 HERE

    11.09.2009 - CPUGauge V1.4
    [list]"Screenbar Default" for vertical text position was ignored entirely. Fixed.[/list]
    [list]Fixed a bug in german translation. MSG_REDRAW_FREQUENCY_1_15S showed "16 mal die Sekunde" (Grzegorz Kraszewski).[/list]
    [list]Visibility for the label can be changed now.[/list]
    [list]Clicking the gauge took inner dimensions of the object for giving visual feedback, now uses full object dimensions (effect was barely visible on huge spacing).[/list]
    [list]Gauge could be drawn out of bounds in certain configuration scenario.[/list]
    [list]Added polish translation and catalog by Grzegorz Kraszewski.[/list]
    Download CPUGauge V1.4 HERE

    11.09.2009 - MemoryGauge V1.3
    [list]"Screenbar Default" for vertical text position was ignored entirely. Fixed.[/list]
    [list]Added polish translation and catalog by Grzegorz Kraszewski.[/list]
    [list]Small adjustment to localisation: Changed "Opacity" to "Visibility" and "Undurchsichtigkeit" to "Sichtbarkeit" in the german catalog.[/list]
    [list]Visibility for the label can be changed now.[/list]
    [list]Gauge could be drawn out of bounds in certain configuration scenario.[/list]
    Download MemoryGauge V1.3 HERE

    11.09.2009 - ModernArt Blanker V2.0
    [list]ModernArt Blanker now uses TinyGL resulting in a lot less CPU consumption. For your convenience and for the users who don't own a 3D capable graphics card the old non-TinyGL version can be found in the "old" directory that comes with this archive.[/list]
    [list]Added FPS setting.[/list]
    [list]The switch to TinyGL made it possible to add fading without cooking the CPU :-) There is a correspondig prefs item aswell.[/list]
    [list]Increased maximum show time per "scene" to 3000 seconds (was 300 before).[/list]
    Download ModernArt Blanker V2.0 HERE
  • »11.09.09 - 22:49
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    Amazing Amigazeux!
    Thank you very much!!!
    Pegasos II 1 ghz
    Powermac G4 Quicksilver with Sonnet Encore 1.8 ghz
    Powermac G4 MDD single 1.25 ghz, silenced for ears health...
    Powermac G5 dual 2.7 ghz I'll be back...
    Powermac G5 dual 2.0 ghz
    Powerbook G4 1.67 ghz 17
  • »12.09.09 - 07:32
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1214 from 2004/12/1
    From: Paris, France
    that's cute guys, thanks.

    i'd prefer an update to a more serious app like aminetradio for example, one of the best all time amiga program imho i use it on a daily basis, it's still nice to saturate my screenbar with useless stuff though.
  • »12.09.09 - 22:21
  • pat
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2004/6/20
    Very nice grabs, I'm wait impatiently the new version of aminetradio.
    Prehaps a grab of frontend ?

  • »13.09.09 - 07:57
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 820 from 2008/3/30
    From: Roma, Italy
    WOW! Gelb...! Standing ovation!
    Pegasos II 1 ghz
    Powermac G4 Quicksilver with Sonnet Encore 1.8 ghz
    Powermac G4 MDD single 1.25 ghz, silenced for ears health...
    Powermac G5 dual 2.7 ghz I'll be back...
    Powermac G5 dual 2.0 ghz
    Powerbook G4 1.67 ghz 17
  • »13.09.09 - 08:32
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 423 from 2005/4/9
    From: magyarorszag/h...
    gelb the supastar!:D thx a lot!!

    are you planning to beat all other media players on any platform with the new anr? surely you'll do that! (that ps editor looks superb.)
    DEAD pegII/G4@1000.1gb ram.radeon 9200pro
    240 gigz hd.nec dvdrw.MorphOS 2.4 DEAD
    amiga1200T.blizzardppc@180/040@25.96megz ram
  • »13.09.09 - 12:35
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1061 from 2009/2/26
    From: Tczew, Poland
    Any kind of bounty for Gelb? What u recon lads?
    MorphOS 3.x
  • »13.09.09 - 13:29
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 631 from 2004/4/15

  • »13.09.09 - 15:21
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1061 from 2009/2/26
    From: Tczew, Poland
    Eliot: cheers
    MorphOS 3.x
  • »13.09.09 - 18:44
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 87 from 2003/7/26
    From: Italy
    Wow a new AmiNetRadio preview ! :-D

    It is only a MOS native release or it does work also 68k ?

    One day I would like to try it also on OS4, if possible :-)

  • »21.09.09 - 03:34
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 148 from 2003/3/4
    From: #amigazeux

    It is only a MOS native release or it does work also 68k ?

    One day I would like to try it also on OS4, if possible

    Well, there should be still an 68k version of ANR, although I cannot tell at this point if the current version still runs on OS3.x as nobody has tried any old beta of ANR on 68k for ages. As for an OS4 version I can only say that I hope the 68k version will run on it. In the past I've spent some time with Kicko on debugging ANR for OS4, so I see no reason why it should not run on it. A native version is not easily done without the OS to test it on myself.

    To reduce expectations a bit: I haven't given out betas for ages. Most of the code is completely untested and hasn't been checked for the most obvious bugs. So there are really no plans to release it anytime soon.
  • »23.09.09 - 03:30
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  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 602 from 2004/11/27
    Hi Gelb,

    1st thanks for all these usefull sbar plugins, it's realy GREAT!

    Here just an info about the "11.09.2009 - ModernArt Blanker V2.0" which seems to work fine on MUI screens but does only produce rubish on non MUI screens. Tested here with PageStream 4, which is on his own screen, 1600x1200 16 bit, and when this screen is active the blacker screws up and shown only rubish but does not crash in any way.


  • »23.09.09 - 06:37
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 87 from 2003/7/26
    From: Italy

    That's sad, latest 4.1 is very old in time (2005) watching the new grabs I was thought for a quick release -/
    Aniway if you need any help in testing (both 68k and OS4) just ask :-)

  • »23.09.09 - 18:29
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 95 from 2003/9/18
    My MorphOS really lacks a new ANR version... ;-)

    What are the new features?
    Last.fm? Wiki? Cover download/display? MusicBrainz?

    I'll try to wait...
  • »02.10.09 - 12:52
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 148 from 2003/3/4
    From: #amigazeux
    Just released a couple of Updates

    Wetter V2.0
    This is the first update to Wetter after 5 years.

    Please check the Wetter Website for details.

    MouseEyes V1.1
    [list]MouseEyes can now remember their positions when they have been dragged.[/list]
    [list]Added polish translation and catalog by Grzegorz Kraszewski.[/list]
    [list]Included icon to be used in Screenbar Prefs. See Readme.[/list]

    Download MouseEyes V1.1 HERE

    CPUGauge V1.5
    [list]Frame offsets are kept now when frame visibility is set to 0 and frame is enabled.[/list]
    [list]Background effect Delta Slider was also shown for "Negative" and "Grey" effect. Fixed.[/list]
    [list]Added french translation and catalog by Sebastien LIGEZ.[/list]
    [list]Included icon to be used in Screenbar Prefs. See Readme.[/list]

    Download CPUGauge V1.5 HERE

    MemoryGauge V1.4
    [list]Frame offsets are kept now when frame visibility is set to 0 and frame is enabled.[/list]
    [list]Background effect Delta Slider was also shown for "Negative" and "Grey" effect. Fixed.[/list]
    [list]Included icon to be used in Screenbar Prefs. See Readme.[/list]
    [list]Added french translation and catalog by Sebastien LIGEZ.[/list]

    Download MemoryGauge V1.4 HERE

    Uptime V1.1
    [list]Didn't show any text when uptime minutes were 0 (right after a reboot) and seconds were not enabled. Fixed.[/list]
    [list]Frame offsets are kept now when frame visibility is set to 0 and frame is enabled.[/list]
    [list]Background effect Delta Slider was also shown for "Negative" and "Grey" effect. Fixed.[/list]
    [list]Included icon to be used in Screenbar Prefs. See Readme.[/list]

    Download Uptime V1.1 HERE
  • »17.10.09 - 22:12
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 423 from 2005/4/9
    From: magyarorszag/h...
    thank you gelb!!!
    wetter 2.0 is very welcomed!
    (btw why is it just fake transparency? no that it matters just out of curiosity)
    DEAD pegII/G4@1000.1gb ram.radeon 9200pro
    240 gigz hd.nec dvdrw.MorphOS 2.4 DEAD
    amiga1200T.blizzardppc@180/040@25.96megz ram
  • »18.10.09 - 00:32
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1069 from 2003/3/24
    From: Hamburg/Germany
    Gelb i like that release overdose!
    What about a new WetterNG update? I like it more then Wetter.
    PowerMac G5 Quad 2.5 running UWQHD Resolution
  • »18.10.09 - 01:14
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 148 from 2003/3/4
    From: #amigazeux

    (btw why is it just fake transparency? no that it matters just out of curiosity)

    The problem is that MorphOS Text() function pokes alpha values directly into the rastports bitmap and thus making the resulting bitmap not showing correctly when being used as alpha bitmap for transparency. I don't know if this has been fixed (or rather if an alternative Text function with selectable behaviour is available) in 2.4 but the problem is known since ages.

    The workaround is to render the text in white to some bitmap, read either red/blue/green channel from that and use this as alpha data to do my own text rendering with it. As Wetter relies on MUI's powerful text engine (which also uses Text()) this workaround can't be applied of course. For this reason Wetter and most of the other stuff I do is stuck at fake transparency for the time being.
  • »19.10.09 - 07:40
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 148 from 2003/3/4
    From: #amigazeux

    ThePlayer wrote:
    Gelb i like that release overdose!
    What about a new WetterNG update? I like it more then Wetter.

    We have never released WetterNG. So an update to an unreleased program would not be approriate.
  • »19.10.09 - 07:43
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20
    try *jedi waves arms trick* 'We have never released WetterNG.'

    [ Edited by catohagen on 2009/10/19 12:35 ]
  • »19.10.09 - 11:34
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 310 from 2005/10/18
    From: No(R)way
    thanks!! Amigazeux rulez !
    MacMiniG4 MOS 3.18 rulez ... For music check: Horrordelic Records - Dark Psychedelic Music Since 2011 -
  • »19.10.09 - 12:01
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  • szt
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 53 from 2004/10/9
    From: Hungary
    Unfortunately, it seems, Wetter stopped to collect the weather information from wunderground site. Is there any chance for Wetter update?
    MorphOS 3.9
    PowerMac 7,3, 1,8GHz,
    Radeon 9600
    300 GB SeagateHDD, 120 GB Samsung SSD
    LGM2382D, Canon MG7550
  • »27.01.11 - 21:05
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 99 from 2005/11/6
    From: Mexico City, M...

    szt wrote:
    Unfortunately, it seems, Wetter stopped to collect the weather information from wunderground site. Is there any chance for Wetter update?

    Yep, same here... I also reprted an annoying bug in Diavolo MOS version... it was reported that the bug/bad code had been found but no update so far... :-(

    Wish amigazeux updated their software, it's really good...
  • »28.01.11 - 03:39