Graphic card problems
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27
    Hi all,

    Here are some results and tests I have made with several Graphic cards on several Monitors and the problems I stumbled over.

    I used 2 Monitors:
    - an Eizo CG21 and
    - an Acer AL2032W, for the tests

    as well as several Graphic cards:
    - an Radeon RV250 (Radeon 9000), 128-bit, with 128 MB DDR ram and also
    - an Radeon RV280 (Radeon 9200Pro), 128-bit, with 256 MB DDR ram.

    For both monitors I setup a resolution with the following values:

    Bandwidth: 170 MHz
    Horiz. frequency in kH: min: 31.0000 max: 100.0000
    Verti. frequency in Hz: min: 59.0000 max: 61.0000

    1600x1200x24 (60hz, 75kHz) VESA

    Pixel Clock: 162000000Hz

    Horiz. timing
    Resolution: 1600
    Sync Lenght: 560
    Pulso Offset: 64
    Pulse Lenght: 192
    Polarity: Positive
    Frequency (kHz): 75.0000

    Vertical timing
    Resolution: 1200
    Sync Lenght: 50
    Pulso Offset: 1
    Pulse Lenght: 4
    Polarity: Positive
    Frequency (Hz): 60.0000

    I connected the Eizo CG21 Monitor via DVI to the Radeon 9000 and the above resolution and there seems to be no problem it works!

    Now I changed the Graphic card the the Radeon 9200Pro and again connected the Eizo CG21 via DVI and the above resolution and here it does not work! just nothing gets displayed, just a black screen!

    Then I tried the same as above explained but this time I connected the Eizo CG21 to the VGA port, with the same resolution to the same Graphic card, and here it works!

    After that I changed the Monitor to the Acer AL2032W and connected him to the DVI to the Radeon 9200Pro with the above resolution, and here it works!!!

    And last I changed the Graphic card to the Radeon 9000 and connected again the Acer AL2032W Monitor to the DVI and this also works.

    All test where done with the same Pegasos under MorphOS 2.1.

    All this seems strange to me and perhaps this could be a bug?
    Why would the Eizo Monitor with exactly the same settings work via VGA and not DVI but/and the Acer works with both.
    BTW the user manual of the Eizo CG21 states that the resolution of 1600 x 1200 is supported and I have the Monitor connected since about 2 weeks to the old Radeon 9000. Because I do have several Pegasos2 I wanted to have the same card in each. Another reason is that I have unfortunately in 2 Pegasos a Radeon 9200, low profile, 64-bit, with 128 MB DDR ram and they seem really not to work correctely at all at high resolution and MorphOS 2.1

    If this could be a bug, perhaps these tests are of any help.


  • »10.10.08 - 14:31
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  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27
    Hi all,

    was anone able to connect via DVI at a resolution of 1600x1200 on a Radeon 9200Pro, 128 Bit and 256 MB DDR Ram
    using MorphOS 2.1?
  • »02.12.08 - 06:51
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 641 from 2004/1/25
    From: Prague, The Cz...
    what do you mean, it doesn't work? does monitor say, it's our of bounds? how about non native resolutions like 640x480?

    bye, MarK.
  • »02.12.08 - 07:11
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27
    @ MarK

    It doesn't work = no display at all, just a black screen, no error message or so!

    All resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 do work with DVI on the 9200Pro. The only one wich doesn't
    is 1600 x 1200 on the 9200Pro but this resolution works with an older Radeon 9000!!!

    Unfortunately 3 of my Radeon 9000 are defective because they generate green horizontal stripes on the
    left side of the screen, so I bought 6 Radeon 9200Pro (seems to be the only ones still available)
    to replace the 9000's but are not able to use them for now.

    I really want DVI because it's much better display... Several people working about 8 hours per day
    on the Pegasos, so I'd like to have the best display possible...

    Now the resolutions on the Eizo CG21 via DVI are:

    640x480, 720x400, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 at 162 MHz and a frequency of 60 Hz VESA DDC 2B.

    With a resoltuion of 1600x1200 the pixel is 1:1
  • »02.12.08 - 08:17
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 641 from 2004/1/25
    From: Prague, The Cz...
    this is really strange, imo, i'd try to move a bit some sliders in monitor settings. black screen shouldn't appear, monitor should say, that the signal is out of bounds, if it is. perhaps, there is another limitation of the dvi, isn't the bandwidth too high? does the lcd turn off (as no signal) or is it just black and turned on?

    bye, MarK.
  • »02.12.08 - 17:49
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland


    Now I changed the Graphic card the the Radeon 9200Pro and again connected the Eizo CG21 via DVI and the above resolution and here it does not work! just nothing gets displayed, just a black screen!

    Does it work if you remove screenmode settings?


    Because I do have several Pegasos2 I wanted to have the same card in each. Another reason is that I have unfortunately in 2 Pegasos a Radeon 9200, low profile, 64-bit, with 128 MB DDR ram and they seem really not to work correctely at all at high resolution and MorphOS 2.1

    I am using Radeon 9200SE at 1920x1200 but it defaulted to 640x480 (or something) on this 24" LCD when I had dumped my old 17" minimonitor.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »02.12.08 - 18:31
  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27
    @ MarK

    I already tried moving the sliders a bit, and no the bandwidth isn't too high neither and no the monitor doesn't
    turn off. Anyway exactely the same settings do work with the Radeon 9000 on DVI and do not work with the Radeon
    9200Pro and DVI with exactely the same monitor.

    @ itix

    What do you mean ba "remove screenmode settings"? If you mean settings/monitors/mode list than yes I already
    deleted them all, saved and reset and then I started from begining and created new ones, but still this
    didn't help. As I already explained it works with the Radeon 9000 and not with the Radeon 9200Pro so the
    problem seems to be somewere else... perhaps the 256 MB DDR Ram on the 9200Pro, or the 128-bit...


  • »03.12.08 - 06:32
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 641 from 2004/1/25
    From: Prague, The Cz...
    and when you boot from the CD, it doesn't boot into the native lcd resolution?

    bye, MarK.
  • »03.12.08 - 08:43
  • Moderator
    Posts: 766 from 2003/2/28
    From: Denmark
    Looks like the issue might be with the cards, I have a Radeon 9200 that gives me the same problem on a Samsung SyncMaster 204B, my Radeon 7500 manages to deliver 1600x1200 over DVI to the same monitor. Bigfoot had a look at it today, and it doesn't appear to be possible with this card, tried it in a PC as well where even the ATI Windows drivers didn't manage to put out a working 1600x1200 display over DVI (thought I had it working before, but I must be mistaken).

    Now if anyone got a 9200 displaying 1600x1200@60Hz over DVI could they please reply here? It would also be nice knowing if anyone got this mode working on a 9250 card, just to know if there's any difference.

    Ok, reading your post again.. you say it works on the acer? Not the native mode but, what timings does it display?

    [ Edited by Golem on 2008/12/4 22:37 ]
  • »04.12.08 - 21:33
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  • rms
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 599 from 2004/11/27
    @ MarK

    booting directely from the MorphOS2.1 cd, with the 9200Pro it doesn't boot into the lcd resolution. With the 9000 it does without problems.

    @ Golem

    Yes it seems that there is a problem with the card or perhaps with the new ddc.library or the monitor driver...

    Unfortunately I don't have access to the Acer for now so I'm not able to reply to your question.


  • »05.12.08 - 17:28
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