• Just looking around
    Posts: 5 from 2005/3/11
    From: Cologne * Germany

    SoundSquare wrote:

    Thanks for the link.

    But a few questions arose:
    1) Is MorphOS 0.4 that version, that slows down to A500 speed after 2 hours usage?

    2) I heard someone say it would not be possible to run the latest MorphOS-applications
    on that old MorphOS version (v0.4?) for CyberstormPPC. Is that correct? If so, how do I know if a certain MorphOS-app runs on CSPPC/MorphOS v0.4 or if it requires an Pegasos with the latest version of MorphOS?

    3) What's the difference between v0.4 developer and v0.4 user?

    Sorry for my stupid newbie questions...

    [ Edited by dandy on 2005/3/11 22:47 ]
    If someone enjoys marching to military music I already despise him.

    He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!

    (Albert Einstein)
  • »11.03.05 - 13:44