Profile for dandy

All about dandy
Location:Cologne * Germany
Occupation:Application programmer & System Admin
Interest:Computers, Steam Trains, Science, ...
Member Since: 2005/3/11
Rank:Just looking around
Last Login:2006/9/6 7:50

If someone enjoys marching to military music I already despise him.

He got his brain accidently - the bone marrow in his back would have been sufficient for him!

(Albert Einstein)


# Re: Bounty for MOS PUP & Mediator 3000/4000(D/T) possible?
(2006/9/6 8:23:15)
# Re: Bounty for MOS PUP & Mediator 3000/4000(D/T) possible?
(2006/9/6 7:54:37)
# Re: MorphOS for classic Amiga 4000 with CyberstormPPC & Cybe
(2005/3/11 14:00:11)
# Re: MorphOS for classic Amiga 4000 with CyberstormPPC & Cybe
(2005/3/11 13:44:46)
# MorphOS for classic Amiga 4000 with CyberstormPPC & CyberVis
(2005/3/11 11:58:22)
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