matter of conscience - Locked?
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 370 from 2003/3/28
    It appears the thread "matter of conscience" had been locked and with good reason, if you want to slag off company XXX there's other places.

    However I'd urge anyone considering that not to participate in such actions, be that complaining trolling or whatever - because it will damage the Pagasos.

    Apple Links is running a story on the Pegasos but look at the comments.

    I posted this on ANN:

    Whoever the first poster claims to support has done nothing other than shot himself in the foot.

    His post lead to a good old Red Vs Blue spat which we expect on ANN but...

    What will anyone reading those comments going to think?

    They'll see a load of accusations and counter accusations being thrown concerning the Pegasos, A1 and MicroA1. They'll probably wonder what the hell they're getting into and not bother with either. If the same thing happens with an article on the A1 it'll have the same result.

    All this arguing helps no one, it's divided the Amiga community into 3, some red, some blue and the rest -the biggest part- have gone elsewhere. It is hardly likely to get any new people in.


    Despite all the arguing the battle between MorphOS and it's major competitor, the result is at best a draw, a situation unlikely to change anytime soon.

    So, don't take the bait, bite your tongue and say nothing. These arguments will only serve to become a liabilty to the Pegasos in the future.

    The bullet may be aimed at your enemy but the chances are it'll bounce right back and hit you in the foot.


    In answer to the other thread I did have one comment:

    Amiga Technologies is NOT the same people as later owners.

    If AT had survived there's a very good chance the platform you are using now would be sold by them under a different name.

    AT were one of (if not the) most competent owners and went down through no fault of their own.
  • »23.10.04 - 18:27
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 979 from 2003/6/28
    About the "trolling manner" in the other, I only see unstable companies on the amiga brand, genesi seems a lot more stable, but I dont trust on companies...

    I was said my own opinion, not trolling, about AT they did crap things too, about owners, its easy not being the official owner but being really the owners, and in many "underground societies".

    About bad reputation, most of the people dont worry about the amiga community, they just ignore it, when someone hears about somebody saying "i use amiga" they laugh all time, own experience... Most of the amiga-like community are a bunch of trolls, *tards, non-competitive companies that tries get some money doing crap products in a very small companies and a lot of other shits... Amiga not exists for the world, people think tat its as a very old computer as spectrum with some old good games or something, sad but its the reality, the amiga brand isnt a important bran for promotionate a product like atari...

    About good competitor, I see better things opn MorphOS actually, I dont know if this will change or not...

    Trying to win loads of money from the amiga-like community is VERY STUPID, this market actually is mostly abandonated by developers and less users each time, and most of the amiga users use emulators, has a PC with windows/linux or use linux on their computer too... A few are amiga only users, because there arent new programs for use it in the real world...
  • »23.10.04 - 19:10
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