Smartwin makes your live easier
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    You have Art Effect on you peg?
    An older Version of Gold Ed?
    Other progs with refresh Problems under Mos?
    Then Smartwin is yours.
    Ok it is a patch, and it opens
    every window in smart refresh mode,
    but to be honest I don`t care whether
    it is simple or smart refresh, but i do care
    if i have refreshing Problems.
    And with Smartwin they are gone :-)
    Find it on Aminet
    (a note in the faq section might be a good idea imho)
  • »15.03.04 - 05:49
  • Targhan
    Posts: 2833 from 2003/2/8
    From: USA
    Uhm, a link would be nice ;-)

    MorphOS portal?
  • »15.03.04 - 08:23
    Profile Visit Website
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland
    Too bad smart refresh slows down rendering :-)
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »15.03.04 - 10:50
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1107 from 2003/6/11
    From: Białystok...
    You have Art Effect on you peg?
    An older Version of Gold Ed?
    Other progs with refresh Problems under Mos?
    Then Smartwin is yours.

    You want to make MorphOS slow? Then Smartwin is yours... The best way to bloat MOS Intuition.
  • »15.03.04 - 16:41
    Profile Visit Website
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    Ok.. it "might" be a hack, even a worse one.
    But then, I am a small stupid user, with no idea
    of the advantage of simple over smart refresh (or was it the other way ;-) )

    Actually I can`t even notice a real slowdown here
    or an instable System (well i have to watch this a time,
    but until now nothing strange has happened)
    But what i`ve noticed is, that the refreshing Problem
    with many Progs has gone. I wish there would have been
    a "Propper" solution, but it seems there is none.
    So i have to do like i did it on my Amiga, use hacks and patches.
    And to be honest, some of them worked really good.

    But perhaps someone could find a clean way to solve this
    problem? Perhaps it is possible to have smart refresh for those
    Progs which demand it?

    Until then i will use this patch, because the refresh thing
    is realy anoying. there are so much problems, forget the enthusiasm, and the idea
    to add this to the faq section ;-) Anyway I am happy for the now
    refreshing Windows in Art Effect (btw, is it just me, or runs Art Effect
    a lot more stable since MOS 1.4.2, 1.4 had some serious Problems with AE)
  • »15.03.04 - 17:13
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 979 from 2003/6/28
    Yes. we need clean solutions, and not need a lot of patchs that gives problems...

    I like these "necessary" patchs for can solve some problems on MorphOS, not be needed, and be integrated on MorphOS these fixes, features or how you like to say. I like that things as an audio.device redirector, paula emulator and others things be on MorphOS, and not need a lot of patches and others ####s. MorphOS is live, on AmigaOS 3.x it's normal because it's dead. but MorphOS is an still in development OS, then we must have these things integrated and others that could be very nice to have...

    By example, I'm too happy about USB integrated, now not need of newbie users about have problems installing USB. Is a thing that must be on the OS by default actually...
  • »15.03.04 - 19:07