New Modern Webkit-based Browser In Development
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12113 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > CPUs other than PPC have advanced quite considerably

    That just seems so because MorphOS has not been ported to similarly advanced (i.e. 2017+) PPC CPUs ;-)
  • »21.05.24 - 11:49
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3031 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    8.6 out to fix the connection drop issue.
  • »21.05.24 - 17:51
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1260 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    I think, V8.6 did it !!!
    Till yet no errors!
    Thank you a lot for your tireless work and support.
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »21.05.24 - 20:39
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 893 from 2004/1/24
    From: #AmigaZeux

    jacadcaps wrote:
    8.6 out to fix the connection drop issue.

    Muy bien, thanks :-D
  • »21.05.24 - 21:26
  • man
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 119 from 2019/11/11
    yes it's better
    little latence by moment or page are not load
    but i don't want to work too hard and that kill him (i am human not like where i was working)
    i certainly give a paypal when i it s possible
  • »21.05.24 - 22:02
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 6 from 2023/9/2
    From: Portugal
    Thanks, working much better now.
  • »26.05.24 - 16:33
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1497 from 2012/11/10
    From: Manchester, UK/GB
    @ jacadcaps - I'm finding that I cannot access (download) the Royal Mail - Our Prices - Cost of Postal Services PDF as the page, well the whole Royal Mail website, is totally inaccessible if HTTP2 is NOT active, and even if it is the link for it does not download the PDF file, and also the Online Postage Prices PDF is also shown but also not downloadable, even with HTTP2 active. Has anyone else reported this issue, and is there anything you can do to enable this download to work correctly with Wayfarer v8.6? :-(

    As well as that it seems that quite often, Royal Mail's site being just one website example, where the reCaptcha click box, on their Royal Mail Contact Us (with reCaptcha response) is triggered with a left mouse click, but then never triggers the multiple image click response input pop-up, so you cannot complete the reCaptcha, so trying to send a message to the site via that Contact page is a waste of effort, and ideally needs fixing, as it does for several other websites with the reCaptcha response, which currently cannot be completed due to this issue. :-(
    MacMini 1.5GHz,64MB VRAM, PowerBooks A1138/9 (Model 5,8/9),PowerMac G5 2.3GHz(DP), iMac A1145 2.1GHz 20", all with MorphOS v3.18+,Airport,Bluetooth,A1016 Keyboard,T-RB22 Mouse,DVD-RW-DL,MiniMax,Firewire/USB2 & MacOSX 10.4/5
  • »29.05.24 - 06:03
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 582 from 2003/2/24
    From: finland, the l...

    I'm finding that I cannot access (download) the Royal Mail - Our Prices - Cost of Postal Services PDF as the page, well the whole Royal Mail website, is totally inaccessible if HTTP2 is NOT active, and even if it is the link for it does not download the PDF file

    The server refuses to offer the download over HTTP 1.1 - by choice. There is nothing Wayfarer can do to fix this. You need to contact Royal Mail if you want them change their configuration regarding this.
  • »29.05.24 - 11:16
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3031 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    There's nothing wrong with HTTP/2 in latest Wayfarer. No reason for you to have it off.

    As for reCaptcha - it's something Google has changed that makes it fail. I've tested Wayfarer v4-7 and it fails on all of them (just not on Google's own reCaptcha test page, ha ha). We're most likely out of luck here.

    I've had a look at the PDF file and it looks like it's a User-Agent issue. "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4 Safari/605.1.15" works, Wayfarer's default Safari U-A does not.

    [ Edited by jacadcaps 29.05.2024 - 20:01 ]
  • »29.05.24 - 13:12
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1497 from 2012/11/10
    From: Manchester, UK/GB

    jacadcaps wrote: There's nothing wrong with HTTP/2 in latest Wayfarer. No reason for you to have it off.
    The only reason it was off, and on, was to try to by-pass the issue with the Royal Mail site now allowing the download, but none of the options of HTTP/2 being toggled on/off offered any way to download the PDF file. :-(

    jacadcaps wrote: As for reCaptcha - it's something Google has changed that makes it fail. I've tested Wayfarer v4-7 and it fails on all of them (just not on Google's own reCaptcha test page, ha ha). We're most likely out of luck here.
    Well it seems that there is a purge going on within the internet as eBay is also generating a reCaptcha that is trying to block access to some browsers that these sites seem to be trying to stop from using monetary/financial services. Am I correct in thinking there is a purge of some sort of this type that is likely to affect Wayfarer and ultimately block it from these sites in the near future?

    jacadcaps wrote: I've had a look at the PDF file and it looks like it's a User-Agent issue. "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4 Safari/605.1.15" works, Wayfarer's default Safari U-A does not.
    That's good that you have found a User Agent to access the file . . . but Wayfarer v8.6 seems to offer the same User Agent profile for any of the User Agents that I choose, whether that be Wayfarer, Chrome, Safari, Amazon Fire Stick or Custom, none of which seem to be possible to edit manually within the text input field, those being . . .

    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.4 Safari/605.1.15

    So, the User Agent only shows 15.4 of Safari, instead of the 17.4 Safari that you found that works. :-(

    So, none of Wayfarer's current User Agents offer the profile that you have found that allows the file to be downloaded, AFAIK? :-?

    So, how can this User Agent option be added to Wayfarer v8.6 so I can download the file from Royal Mail's website?
    MacMini 1.5GHz,64MB VRAM, PowerBooks A1138/9 (Model 5,8/9),PowerMac G5 2.3GHz(DP), iMac A1145 2.1GHz 20", all with MorphOS v3.18+,Airport,Bluetooth,A1016 Keyboard,T-RB22 Mouse,DVD-RW-DL,MiniMax,Firewire/USB2 & MacOSX 10.4/5
  • »30.05.24 - 03:12
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3031 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    You can edit the user agent field just fine and the cycle gadget will then switch to Custom.
  • »30.05.24 - 03:59
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1497 from 2012/11/10
    From: Manchester, UK/GB
    I have tried to edit the User-Agent text field, and I can click into it, but as soon as I start to type anything after clicking on the User Agent option, and changing it to "Custom", then as soon as I type an initial character, whatever it is, lowercase, uppercase or a numeral, or other symbol then it fails to add that character into the field, and immediately reverts the User Agent option above the text field to Safari - which is extremely frustrating. :-(

    So if I was going to change the Custom field from:

    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.4 Safari/605.1.15

    to . . . the Custom option you stated above . . .

    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4 Safari/605.1.15

    Then as soon as I type the "7" the 'blinking' cursor stops blinking and the "Custom" User Agent button changes immediately back to Safari, and no text is entered in the User Agent field. Even if I try to delete the '5' or any other character then the same effect happens, where the 'blinking' cursor is deactivated in the User Agent edit field and the button above reverts to 'Safari'! :-(

    I even tried to edit the JSON file in the Settings directory, but whatever I change in there is not reflected in the Settings when I relaunch the program.

    I downloaded a new archive of Wayfarer and did not use any of my saved settings, just the default ones that are generated when the program starts, and the same issue is still happening. There has got to be something wrong somewhere, from what you have indicated should happen, but it is just not working for me!
    MacMini 1.5GHz,64MB VRAM, PowerBooks A1138/9 (Model 5,8/9),PowerMac G5 2.3GHz(DP), iMac A1145 2.1GHz 20", all with MorphOS v3.18+,Airport,Bluetooth,A1016 Keyboard,T-RB22 Mouse,DVD-RW-DL,MiniMax,Firewire/USB2 & MacOSX 10.4/5
  • »01.06.24 - 09:46
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1497 from 2012/11/10
    From: Manchester, UK/GB
    Additional to my above comment . . .

    Very recently, last few day(s), eBay (UK) now have a red banner headline that basically reads as "if you want to continue to buy or sell on ebay then you need to upgrade your browser", which as I am running v8.6 of Wayfarer there is no option to upgrade it for MorphOS, and with being unable to edit the User Agent field (even though I am supposed to be able to do so) then I cannot imitate a browser that is supported fully by eBay it seems. :-(

    Also, my system (of recent), and only with regard to Wayfarer, as even OWB (Odyssey) does not exhibit this weird behaviour it seems, as text highlighting with Ambient and other programs seems to work as it always has done, now fails to allow left mouse buttton dragging highlighting of text - only when using Wayfarer!

    In that if I position my text cursor prior to or after where I want to drag the cursor position to the left or the right, or even up or down, but then the text does not get highlighted, which is really weird, and the first time this has ever happened with MorphOS - well specifically Wayfarer. Also the Copy option does not get shown in the drop-down menu, UNLESS I have highlighted the text using the keyboard option, which seems to be the only way I can highlight text now other than to "Select All"!

    There is still limited text highlighting, but where you have usually been able to select text virtually anywhere on a page by dragging your mouse over the text with the left mouse button held down, that function predominantly no longer works any more!

    So, do I need to change some setting or has some part of MorphOS got corrupted in some way? :-?

    However, I can highlight text using the keyboard - is there a way I can correct this or is this some sort of corruption in Ambient or MUI that needs to be addressed? :-?

    That said, it only seems to relate to text mouse-drag-cursor highlighting when using Wayfarer!

    Maybe this text editing issue is also affecting the situation that I cannot amend the supposed to be editable field for customising any User Agent option? :-?

    Also, with v8.6 of Wayfarer the screen redraw/refresh seems to be at its worst implementation yet, as often a screen, tab or window presumably gets updated but the refresh is either not shown fully or just does not happen, or only partially happens, so you end up having to click another page or tab and then return to the tab in question to see that it has then been refreshed and the current view has actually now been displayed, which can be quite disconcerting / alarming! :-(
    MacMini 1.5GHz,64MB VRAM, PowerBooks A1138/9 (Model 5,8/9),PowerMac G5 2.3GHz(DP), iMac A1145 2.1GHz 20", all with MorphOS v3.18+,Airport,Bluetooth,A1016 Keyboard,T-RB22 Mouse,DVD-RW-DL,MiniMax,Firewire/USB2 & MacOSX 10.4/5
  • »05.06.24 - 01:49
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...

    NewSense wrote:
    Additional to my above comment . . .


    I probably shouldn't be commenting in any of these forums, as I haven't used any of my MorphOS compatible computers for well over two years, but I thought I would check this forum thread to see what the latest news regarding this web browser was about. I'm frankly surprised that anyone would consider using any web browser on MorphOS to do anything other than reading various websites, without the most recent security features, since MorphOS has little to no security itself, other than security by obscurity. Surely everyone here is using another system and OS, instead of trying to use MorphOS as their only computer system? I can't imagine trying to do anything on E-Bay with a MorphOS system, or any other site that sells items, or does banking, or requires information that I would not risk being revealed to others.

    It is good to see that maintenance work is still being done on this web browser, to keep it as up to date as possible. I applaud the developers who still add to the value of MorphOS in various ways.

    Now I'll probably disappear again for another few years, unless MorphOS finally gets ported, or recreated on some modern hardware that I can buy new and use for several years.
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »05.06.24 - 03:39
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1260 from 2010/1/6
    From: EU-Austria (Wien)
    I do all these things (banking, ebay, etc) with MorphOS since years without any problems, unlike with my Windows (7/10/11) (used on Laptop), which was hacked several times (ebay, amazon, ...)! So "security by obscurity" seems to work better, then all this "modern" WinBrowsers, which only floods you with adverticing-crab.
    Peg2, 3xPowerMac G5, 2xPowerbookG4, 2x MacMiniG4, Efika (again), A3000T and life is never boring.....
  • »05.06.24 - 07:31
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3031 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada

    Not sure why you think that Wayfarer would be less secure than Chrome or Safari. There are tons of javascript based attacks and or viruses that may target your PC with the goal of stealing your banking information, but there are absolutely none that would target Wayfarer / MorphOS (or work on those).

    This is not about obscurity - the realistic attacks need to be attuned to specific hardware/operating system and nobody will target MorphOS users like that since there'd be absolutely no ROI on that.

    [ Edited by jacadcaps 05.06.2024 - 13:29 ]
  • »05.06.24 - 12:27
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 674 from 2004/2/10

    Good to see you posting again! Stay around a while...

    I really don't see the need for new hardware as a deal breaker for my needs. I use MorphOS daily for many hours for work and productivity. I have a single processor PCIe system, upgraded to a 2.5GHz processor (Chris Edwards recently created a video on YT concerning it). For most everything I do, the hardware is over kill. The only exception is certain websites for wayfarer. The other benefit to this specific hardware is the heatsink on these systems works extremely well even compared to the PCIX PowerMacs, so you can run it very cool without the liquid cooling and the other issues with the MB. These systems are totally bullet proof and great for dual screens and productivity.

    You may want to start using the OS again, alot of programs have been enhanced greatly in the last year or two.

    Check out, Wayfarer, Iris, PageStream, and PolyOrganizer as a start, really nice these days.

    The browser works for the limited banking and other things I do with it without any issues, and as Jacek pointed out the small foot print of the OS makes it a very small target.

    [ Edited by matt3 05.06.2024 - 15:32 ]
  • »05.06.24 - 20:32
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 552 from 2015/6/18
    From: Funeralopolis

    amigadave schrieb:
    I'm frankly surprised that anyone would consider using any web browser on MorphOS to do anything other than reading various websites, without the most recent security features, since MorphOS has little to no security itself, other than security by obscurity.

    Well, ebay, paypal, banking works with Wayfarer on MorphOS.. so why not use it? As jaca said you would need to write specific code to do a MorphOS exploit.


    Surely everyone here is using another system and OS, instead of trying to use MorphOS as their only computer system?

    Surely most of us have several systems. But that's not quite the point I think. At least mine are not running 24/7. So if I am on MorphOS on my G5 currently and I wan't to check email, ebay, banking, paypal, etc. I can just do that thanks to Wayfarer and don't need to switch on another box to accomplish this. If I am already on my Linux box I don't switch on the G5 to do some reading on the web of course.

    The only things I absolutely need my Linux box for is watching h265/hevc video or 4K video and when I want use the web-version of Facebook. For working on .odt .docx (rarely need .xls) documents I actually have the choice of rebooting the G5 into Linux or use another Linux box of mine. ;-)

    Of course I would like this to be possible on MorphOS too, but I am ok with that some of it isn't possible at the moment. So I am looking forward to MorphOS on more recent hardware too but I am not in a hurry. As you said most of us have several systems to choose from.
    Talos II. [Gentoo Linux] | PMac G5 11,2. PMac G4 3,6. PBook G4 5,8. [MorphOS 3.18 / Gentoo Linux] | Vampire V4 SA [ApolloOS / Amiga OS 3.2.2]
  • »05.06.24 - 23:46
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3031 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    7.8 is now out!

    - Rebased to WebKitGTK 2.44.2
    - Implemented a targeted ReCaptcha workaround to improve its reliability on slower hardware
    - Updated to latest cURL
    - Fixed the busyloops on cURL thread
    - Implemented various performance optimizations in cURL
    - Added a workaround for cURL regression that broke video playback and/or seeking
    - Fixed PayPal login page redraw issues
    - Updated Safari user-agents
    - Fixed editing of custom user-agents

    [ Edited by jacadcaps 07.06.2024 - 03:34 ]
  • »06.06.24 - 20:03
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 192 from 2008/2/4
    From: Greece
    Amazing job once again!
  • »06.06.24 - 21:10
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1497 from 2012/11/10
    From: Manchester, UK/GB

    jacadcaps wrote: 8.7 is now out!
    Just so you know - you've accidentally mis-titled Wayfarer . . . is it regression to v7.8 . . . or . . . advancement to v8.7? on the main NEWs thread !! 8-D

    jacadcaps wrote:
    - Implemented a targeted ReCaptcha workaround to improve its reliability on slower hardware
    Well I'm glad to see you have advanced this re(h)Captcha feature as it is becoming the way that some websites seem to be able to exclude our (your) Wayfarer browser, and I personally would obviously prefer to see this not happen! 8-D

    jacadcaps wrote:
    - Updated Safari user-agents
    - Fixed editing of custom user-agents

    I'm also glad to see this enhanced, and also seemingly fixed, though I've not had time to test it as yet, but it would have been nice to know - as a reply to my observations - in various comments from
    Comment #1608, 1609, 1611, 1613 and 1614 . . . that did not have a follow-on comment from you or Piru to say that you had realised that there was this issue that needed to be fixed, as I have been watching the thread and assuming it was just me that was having this issue, when it actually seems that you knew from when I mentioned it that it/them was an issue and did not add a comment to say that they were actually problems that required fixing, that I believe I was the person who had identified it to you initially. So, I've been mushroom-like it seems . . . kept in the dark, and fed on . . .!!

    Also, has the text copying (left-mouse button drag action) issue also been fixed during your browser overhaul? :-?

    Needless to say . . . I'm very grateful to you both (all) for your efforts, I'd just like to have known, soon after I left the comments, that I wasn't imagining this uneditable User Agent field, and that the re(h)Captcha was going to get some reworking/improvement, and that you'd be looking into the left-mouse-drag text copying issue, as well as some of the other issues that some other users seem have also reported to you, and have been addressed with this update
    MacMini 1.5GHz,64MB VRAM, PowerBooks A1138/9 (Model 5,8/9),PowerMac G5 2.3GHz(DP), iMac A1145 2.1GHz 20", all with MorphOS v3.18+,Airport,Bluetooth,A1016 Keyboard,T-RB22 Mouse,DVD-RW-DL,MiniMax,Firewire/USB2 & MacOSX 10.4/5
  • »07.06.24 - 02:27
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 3031 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada

    Also, has the text copying (left-mouse button drag action) issue also been fixed during your browser overhaul?

    I wasn't able to reproduce any issues related to this. Sure this isn't your mouse? :)
  • »07.06.24 - 02:35
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1497 from 2012/11/10
    From: Manchester, UK/GB

    NewSense wrote: Also, has the text copying (left-mouse button drag action) issue also been fixed during your browser overhaul?

    jacadcaps wrote: I wasn't able to reproduce any issues related to this. Sure this isn't your mouse? :)
    Well it's still an issue and if you try to click your left mouse button to place the mouse cursor in amongst the text, or even if it is pre-written text that you want to extract from a page then if you drag your mouse to the left or right to highlight some text with it then it just doesn't highlight the text, so you end up not being able to copy a few words, a character, a sentence or a paragraph or however much of that page's text and you end up using "Select All" to take the whole page and then have to edit whatever you don't need out from it with a different text editor, such as ShowCase or Scribble or Ed or ... etc. ANYTHING but Wayfarer, even OWB/Odyssey works to highlight and copy the text by these means, just not the current version of Wayfarer, v8.7, and v8.6, as with v8.6 or v8.7 this is currently impossible !!

    In fact, a dead-giveaway is the fact that the text indicator state of the mouse cursor does not show on versions after v8.4 (maybe v8.5 as I haven't tested that) but if you move over any text field with v8.6 or v8.7 then the "text indicator" mouse cursor, that looks slightly like 2 square brackets back to back "][" it never appears!! So, you seem to have deactivated this capability somewhere in the code. :-(

    To see what I mean, if you load v7.8, or any version up to v8.4, onto the HOME page of MorphOS, and once the Home page has loaded you can use the left mouse button click-down to highlight the heading "Welcome" ... along with the following words, all in one continuous action "MorphOS is a lightweight, highly efficient and flexible media-centric operating system. If you are" ... and then you can either use the right mouse button to "Copy" the text you have highlighted or use a keyboard menu option to do the same, which you cannot do with v8.6 or v8.7! :-(

    However, with v8.6 and v8.7 you will not see the text indicator cursor, just the mouse pointer! :-?

    I hope you can follow what I am trying to explain, and now get on with fixing it, by getting it working as it should! 8-D

    In the meantime, I'm not sure which is the best version of Wayfarer to use, as v7.8 is more stable, but v8.4 offers more options, but v8.7 doesn't have this text highlighting option that I use quite a lot. So, I'll probably have to swap from one to the other for whatever I want to do until you manage to get this resolved, hopefully fairly soon. 8-D
    MacMini 1.5GHz,64MB VRAM, PowerBooks A1138/9 (Model 5,8/9),PowerMac G5 2.3GHz(DP), iMac A1145 2.1GHz 20", all with MorphOS v3.18+,Airport,Bluetooth,A1016 Keyboard,T-RB22 Mouse,DVD-RW-DL,MiniMax,Firewire/USB2 & MacOSX 10.4/5
  • »07.06.24 - 07:13