• Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 540 from 2012/4/28

    Cego escribió:
    that's an interesting name :)
    is there still room for suggestions? :D

    Random Ideas: Webglider, Netflow, Fastflyer, Milkyway, Pathfinder, Lighty, Bounce, MoWeR (MorphOS Web Researcher),
    SeaLight, Firefly

    Or maybe to have a connection to IRIS it could be something like: Pupilla, EyeLens, LiteWave (LightWave) or LWB (LightWaveBrowser) <--- that's my favorite :D, Photon/PhotonBrowser

    Also japcaps cans dedicate it to someone and put the name from him or her, it is his work.
  • »05.07.20 - 08:56