Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 416 from 2003/2/24
From: Berlin
Few Suggestions from beworld:
- not possible to move menu / submenu and element Up and Down into the list
This is already possible, check the "DnD sort? checkmark!
But, then you have to take care yourself that you don't move a menu with submenus into a submenu f.e.
Because you only can have menu/submenu/item, a submenu within a submenu isn't allowed by the OS.
- have a option to "AutoSave on quit"
This is in the prefs menu, which means that the prefs will be autom. saved on quit.
But nothing will be save atm, I could add remembering the "DnD Sort" checkmark...
You mean to save the autosave the menus, right?
- have a option Save - Save As
Ok, I could add a "Save" w/o asking for filename, if a filename is already specified.
- options CLI to lauch with shell - exemple CRABUM -QUIET SYS:test.rexx
Ok, I'll add filename specifying on startup.
But what for should the "QUIET" option be?
If you want to see the icon, just re-download the archive, I just updated it;)
[ Edited by igracki on 2010/2/26 14:40 ]