MorphOS 2.0 Appreciation Thread
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 131 from 2006/11/11
    From: Ioannina , Greece
    Just installed MOS2, it is improved and I like it :-)
    will pay for it in about 2-3hrs after charging my debit card LOL


    I see included psd4 has USB2 support, does it mean that usb2_pci cards work without the reg key, or do I still need to inject it?
    A4000D CS-PPC/G-Rex4000D
    A4000D CS-PPC/Zorro
  • »01.07.08 - 09:30
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 118 from 2003/2/24
    From: France (Rennes)
    Although I do understand the amazing amount of time spent on the development, this pricetag will prevent a not so insignificant part of the community from acquiring MOS 2, which is a shame, after a 5 years-long wait since the last major release.

    Personally, I think the price can be justified, of course. But, I just cannot afford it. I wonder what may think people in other countries where wages are lower, or people that already have some trouble paying the bills :)

    It almost seems to be done on purpose... Hmm.

    [ Edited by mahen on 2008/7/1 9:47 ]
    xmpp:mahen on
  • »01.07.08 - 09:32
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 498 from 2003/2/17
    From: Hannover / Ger...

    I wonder what may think people in other countries where wages are lower

    Given the popularity e.g. in Eastern Europe, maybe indeed the Big-Mac-Index or something similar could have been factored in, but on the other hand it would have been too big an effort then, probably, to check if the person registering is indeed a resident of the country stated.
  • »01.07.08 - 09:54
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 250 from 2005/1/19
    From: Norway
    ahh, finally it's here!
    Time to rise up from our graves and spread joy!

    Thank you MorphOS-Team you Ruule!! :-D


    [ Edited by XzIt on 2008/7/1 10:09 ]
  • »01.07.08 - 10:03
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  • Ex-Member
    Posts: 74 from 2004/6/15

    keropi wrote:
    I see included psd4 has USB2 support, does it mean that usb2_pci cards work without the reg key, or do I still need to inject it?

    No key required.
    Chris Hodges
  • »01.07.08 - 10:05
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 408 from 2004/7/15
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    The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything: where is the SDK :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-?
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  • »01.07.08 - 10:21
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    Senex wrote:
    Given the popularity e.g. in Eastern Europe, maybe indeed the Big-Mac-Index or something similar could have been factored in, but on the other hand it would have been too big an effort then, probably, to check if the person registering is indeed a resident of the country stated.

    Oh, I tried this very thing in Poseidon V3.x for a few years -- registration fees based on the country's GDP. It just didn't work and people from "richer" countries were pretty upset for paying a few bucks more. Not many people from poorer countries which got a huge discount registered.

    Seeing people buying old PPC accelerators on Ebay for unbelievable prices no matter what country, makes me think if this is really a valid argument.

    I think the main problem is that people don't value software equally compared to hardware. Which sucks.
    Chris Hodges
  • »01.07.08 - 10:21
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1520 from 2003/2/24
    From: Finland

    The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything: where is the SDK

    It follows later when CICS returns from his journey.
    1 + 1 = 3 with very large values of 1
  • »01.07.08 - 10:36
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 732 from 2003/2/24
    From: aGaS & CUAZ Al...
    I think the main problem is that people don't value software equally compared to hardware. Which sucks.

    MorphOS 2.0 is still overpriced. It's more expensive than Vista/Linux/OSX and can't do most of the stuff you can do with other OSes. And it doesn't even include a box. If I buy OS4 I can install it in various machines and if my PPC dies I can use the same copy in different hardware.

    The price is so high that it will put away users from easter countries and users with various machines.
  • »01.07.08 - 10:59
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 342 from 2003/6/29
    You have strange views.
    Are you a teenager or a child?
    Not very mature.
    Pegasos PPC
  • »01.07.08 - 11:14
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 732 from 2003/2/24
    From: aGaS & CUAZ Al...

    If you have limited reading comprehension skills it's not my problem.

    [ Edited by Crumb on 2008/7/1 11:28 ]
  • »01.07.08 - 11:27
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 746 from 2007/4/22
    If this is the MorphOS 2.0 Appreciation Thread, I hate to see the MorphOS2.0 Price too high Thread!

    C'mon guys it's not like you've not had enough warning to save up for it!
  • »01.07.08 - 11:33
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 131 from 2006/11/11
    From: Ioannina , Greece

    stephen_robinson wrote:
    If this is the MorphOS 2.0 Appreciation Thread, I hate to see the MorphOS2.0 Price too high Thread!

    C'mon guys it's not like you've not had enough warning to save up for it!

    correct, I just payed :-) :-) :-)
    A4000D CS-PPC/G-Rex4000D
    A4000D CS-PPC/Zorro
  • »01.07.08 - 12:06
  • ASiegel
    Posts: 1374 from 2003/2/15
    From: Central Europe
    @ Crumb


    And it doesn't even include a box.

    There are many applications which exceed MorphOS in price, yet do not include any packaging whatsoever.


    If I buy OS4 I can install it in various machines

    I am not familiar with the license terms of this software, but if you run a typical single-license copy of Windows or MacOS on multiple machines that is an act of piracy.


    The price is so high that it will put away users from easter countries and users with various machines.

    If somebody buys five PegasosII/G4 mainboards at 500 EUR each, it is probably not unreasonable to expect that this person has sufficient funds to buy a keyfile for each of them.

    It is somewhat astounding how a number of people are perfectly happy to pay bplan in exchange for an impressive home collection of various Pegasos and Efika machines, but are unwilling to contribute accordingly to the development of MorphOS which is the single reason why they became interested in Pegasos/Efika in the first place.

    That being said, Pegasos users may continue to use MorphOS 1.4 for free. Plus, if you can work with the 30 minutes time restriction, MorphOS 2.0 can be enjoyed free of cost as well.
  • »01.07.08 - 12:23
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2003/2/24
    From: Canada
    It's nice to finally see MorphOS 2.0 a reality. But I have to agree that the pricing is a little steep after currency conversion. In Canada this translates to about $180 which is $60-70 more than I was hoping cost wise for an unlock key. Especially if I want a copy on the Peg 1 & 2. (I shudder to think when the price will be up to $240 CDN after July 15) Mac OS X Leopard is $119 here for comparison.

    Anyway, I especially like Poseidon4. It works very nicely with all my devices. (mouse and tablet finally work together) Still playing around with everything but it's a nice update for sure. :)

    [ Edited by realstar on 2008/7/1 6:03 ]
  • »01.07.08 - 13:41
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 732 from 2003/2/24
    From: aGaS & CUAZ Al...

    I am not familiar with the license terms of this software, but if you run a typical single-license copy of Windows or MacOS on multiple machines that is an act of piracy.

    As long as you don't run multiple copies simultaneusly I understand it's no piracy.

    In my case I travel a lot and I prefer having a machine in each location. I never run MOS simultaneusly on various machines (even if I had the machines together I wouldn't have enough hands for that)


    If somebody buys five PegasosII/G4 mainboards at 500 EUR each, it is probably not unreasonable to expect that this person has sufficient funds to buy a keyfile for each of them.

    Are you comparing a 99$ Efika with a Pegasos2/G4? The cost of MorphOS is much higher than the Efika... and the joy you can get from using it is much different between an Efika and a Peg2/G4... Efika looked as a cheap alternative and since it's pretty basic and cut down it wouldn't have amazed me much that Efika version was cheaper than Peg2/G4 or Mac Mini.

    I don't think it's fair to charge the same for a Mac Mini/Peg2-G4 than for a small Efika "toy" (specially if we take into account that MorphOS license is more expensive than Efika)

    Some people have children and/or is paying a flat and can't invest so much in a hobby. Others live in countries were saving up 150Euros costs much less because salaries are higher (and we know that there's a lot of German and Skandinavian users who will think 150Euros is no problem).

    [ Edited by Crumb on 2008/7/1 13:53 ]
  • »01.07.08 - 13:51
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland

    stephen_robinson wrote:
    C'mon guys it's not like you've not had enough warning to save up for it!

    Thats the problem. Its been so long wait most of us grew old, have 80000 euros of loan, a wife, a dog plus three cats and two kids running around the house now ;-) <- Free music
  • »01.07.08 - 13:56
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 746 from 2007/4/22
    So is this OS good then???

    Like a more polished 1.45? or a whole new 'paradigm'??
  • »01.07.08 - 15:33
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 54 from 2007/2/6


    QMaster wrote:If the idea is not to get rich, why the price is so high then and the price is per box, but not per user?
    PS: The MOS-team had abandoned users themself. Little people want to wait 4 years for another "2 more weeks".

    What grand illusion are some of you guys under that anyone could get rich on this at 111,11 or 150 Euro per copy? Even if it were 300 Euro a piece or 400 euro a piece they would not "get rich". They are looking to get some money for all the hard work. Which will be much less then the time they put into this. Be glad they bothered at all to make something that they will be taking a loss on, whether you buy a copy or not. They sacrified a lot of time, and they aren't forcing anyone to buy. The average user who can afford a Peg or an Efika after its outfitted with a case and graphics card likely can afford this software. And if they can't they can save up util they can and run older MOS on their Peg and Linux on their Efika in the meantime. Or just sell some old Amiga hardware you are not using to get the money. Get creative if you want it. This whining all over the internet on MOS 2.0 pricing is most disappointing. Comparing MOS 2.0 pricing to OSX pricing or Vista pricing is just silly. A shaker hood scoop for an old Mopar car can be $1500, just for a peice of plastic. Why? Because its such a small production run for a very small amount of people. Same thing here. Lets be glad they spent the time to make it, and that when they priced it they were willing to make it not crazy expensive. Yes its at a premium, but welcome to an already expensive hobby. Some people will not be able to afford it soon, but this is true of any hobby. We'd all have more hobbies if we could all afford them. Its not up to us to tell them how much of a charity they should be running on this.

    [ Edited by fairlanefastback on 2008/7/1 12:17 ]

    [ Edited by fairlanefastback on 2008/7/1 12:21 ]
  • »01.07.08 - 18:14
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1193 from 2003/2/24
    From: Helsinki, Finland
    Biggest problem I see here is the "two (more) weeks" discount. There are quite a few people who were postponing Efika purchase untill MorphOS 2.0 is released.

    Well now it is, and some of them would be willing to buy MorphOS 2.0. But afaik they can't before they have a working Efika configuration to run it on... And can you get one within two weeks? Well, let's hope so...
  • »01.07.08 - 19:55
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 54 from 2007/2/6


    Jupp3 wrote:
    Biggest problem I see here is the "two (more) weeks" discount. There are quite a few people who were postponing Efika purchase untill MorphOS 2.0 is released.

    Well now it is, and some of them would be willing to buy MorphOS 2.0. But afaik they can't before they have a working Efika configuration to run it on... And can you get one within two weeks? Well, let's hope so...

    I agree that this is a much more legitimate gripe, especially since the Efika install is more involved since some people seem to have had issues with some USB sticks. And also customs may slow down shipments of purchases in some cases. Others may only be checking the Amiga boards every few weeks as well. A longer intro rate would be nice if they were willing to do it. But maybe they have a lot of confidence that user experiences will be good creating a lot of good buzz on the boards making people more confident to order the hardware and software at the same time.
  • »01.07.08 - 20:41
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 131 from 2006/11/11
    From: Ioannina , Greece
    payed at mid-day, got the key some hours later, thanks MOS team! :-) :-)
    A4000D CS-PPC/G-Rex4000D
    A4000D CS-PPC/Zorro
  • »01.07.08 - 21:10
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
    OK, so now I have dusted of one of my Pegasos2's (G4) and booted it up with the MorphOS 2.0 CD.

    Wow! :-o

    My first impression is that this is the most complete version of MorphOS ever (no surprise there really ;-))!

    On previous releases you had to download a lot of third party applications and assemble parts of your OS yourself this way.
    This is no longer the case! OK, I have only scratched the surface yet, but at least all *essential* stuff seems to be here!

    My router happily assigns an IP to the Marvell Gigabit port of my Peg2 through DHCP. In fact, I'm surfing MorphZone right
    now using the bundled Sputnik! Works! :-)

    Attached is a screenshot I made with the built in "grabber" utility:

    I downsized it using the built in "Sketch" paint tool.

    (Edit: Uploading the image didn't work in sputnik)

    And just for the sake of it, I'm typing this text in the built in text editor and copy/pasting it into the MorphZone posting
    form! Works great! :-)

    And I haven't downloaded a single thing to do this. In fact, I haven't even installed MorphOS on the Hard Disk yet! All from booting the CD! :-D

    Thank you MorphOS team! :-)

    Going to dig deeper tomorrow!

    [ Edited by takemehomegrandma on 2008/7/1 23:48 ]
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »01.07.08 - 23:44
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24
    BTW, any of you notice that the image in the "Welcome to MorphOS" setup utility that autostarts from the boot CD has a day view and a night view?

    Cool detail! :-)
    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »01.07.08 - 23:52
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 15 from 2006/4/17
    From: Lincolnshire, UK
    Well despite my initial reservation about the price i have registered it for my peg 2. Doubt I'll be registering my efika, thou this is only for finances verses how much i'd use it.

    I must say I'm very impressed with it as a OS It feels far more polished then the previous version, and i was a big fan of that.

    I'd like to wish a big congrats and thanks the the dev team for a job well done.

    Lets hope its brings a lot more users to Morphos.

  • »02.07.08 - 05:40