So...what does this mean for MorphOS and the Peg community?
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 13 from 2003/3/19
    From: Germany

    by hooligan on 2004/11/23 13:10:32

    Come on guys.. it's STILL ONLY a hobby. There are plenty of alternatives after MOS. Linux, MacOS, OS4, just to name a few alternatives.

    This is not just about the hobby, its also about the money invested in that hobby.
    Its about pushing an OS, software development and a community - and then destroying it all.
    People bought the Pegasos-Board because of MorphOS and its promising development - but all of a sudden MorphOS is declared unimportant.
    That is betrayal nothing else.

    Collecting Pokemons is a hobby, spending 1000 € for a platform is already more - its a sign of trust and support.

    Maybe MorphOS was just the cheese to lure us all into a trap, where we leave our money and get kicked out afterwards.

    At least this silly "war" between the blue side and the red side will end...
    . forward for the dream .
  • »23.11.04 - 13:04
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 13 from 2003/3/19
    From: Germany

    by MacFly on 2004/11/23 14:04:08

    Guys calm down! Bplan has not made such a statement. Take a look here Bplan News

    That page hasn´t been updated in over 6 months.
    There are no statements about A LOT of things. ;-)
    . forward for the dream .
  • »23.11.04 - 13:11
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland

    This is not just about the hobby, its also about the money invested in that hobby.
    Its about pushing an OS, software development and a community - and then destroying it all.
    People bought the Pegasos-Board because of MorphOS and its promising development - but all of a sudden MorphOS is declared unimportant.
    That is betrayal nothing else.

    Collecting Pokemons is a hobby, spending 1000 € for a platform is already more - its a sign of trust and support.

    Maybe MorphOS was just the cheese to lure us all into a trap, where we leave our money and get kicked out afterwards.

    At least this silly "war" between the blue side and the red side will end...

    Well I personally havent regretted my investment. I have been very satisfied to what I have now and if this hobby ends at some point then so be it.

    It's not like I didn't know I was taking risks when entering back to "Amiga"scene. <- Free music
  • »23.11.04 - 13:19
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  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 37 from 2003/10/14
    From: Germany
    yes and this clearly shows that the statement is a fake. I talked to Mr. Carda just 2 hours ago and he confirmed that he has not made that statement
  • »23.11.04 - 13:37
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  • Just looking around
    Posts: 13 from 2003/3/19
    From: Germany
    Good news. :-)
    . forward for the dream .
  • »23.11.04 - 13:49
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17

    yes and this clearly shows that the statement is a fake. I talked to Mr. Carda just 2 hours ago and he confirmed that he has not made that statement

    You didnt expect him to say "yes, I wrote that" did you? lol. there are obvious problems and in time will go public.
  • »23.11.04 - 13:59
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 331 from 2003/5/12


    You've still gotten a decent system for your cash (A1/OS4 would have cost you 3x what you paid for Peg/MOS).

    Really that much?
    He says he paid £484 for it.
    £1452 for an A1? They've obviously gone up since I got mine.


    I'll still consider myself to own a piece of Amiga, if not computing, history which I'll keep - just as I've kept my A1200.

    Apart from anything else, my A1200 has OS3.5 on it and is still the machine I use for writing most of my tunes.
    I also use my Pegasos for the same purpose, also recording and, just for the last few days, surfing the net.

    It isn't suddenly going to stop doing these things because 1.5 is on hold/dead/eaten/etc..
  • »23.11.04 - 15:10
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 80 from 2003/2/17
    From: Norway
    Ive personaly been away for a while but comming back to this is just depressing to say the least! if this ends with no more MOS for Pegs or no more MOS for any system im dropping AmigaLike companies for ever and only concentrating on AROS! ive been let down enough times.

    [ Edited by 4pLaY on 2004/11/23 18:04 ]
  • »23.11.04 - 17:56
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 254 from 2004/4/22

    Collecting Pokemons is a hobby, spending 1000 € for a platform is already more - its a sign of trust and support.

    Bullshit. I have spent at least three times that figure on my
    complete loose vintage Star Wars action figure collection.
    And that is a hobby for me.

    Calm down and face the facts.. MorphOS is dead
    (was it ever alive?..).

    Move on.. Use Windows 2000, or something, instead..
  • »23.11.04 - 18:36
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 47 from 2004/3/19
    From: Denmark
    Hello Mark,

    First I wish you good luck with the future...

    Question: As Ralph Schmidt is shareholder of Genesi... Is he still "member" of the MorphOS team?
    Best regards,
    hnl_dk - Henning Nielsen Lund
  • »23.11.04 - 19:48
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20
    Talking about Titan:
    You are doing a very interesting software :Papyrus.
    But What will we do whith it if we cant print ?
    If MOS 1.5 dont come, we cant print with our MOS 1.4.
    Ok, personaly, I bought last Turbo Print68k and it works with 2
    applications on my system. Will it works with Papyrus?
  • »23.11.04 - 20:37
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2720 from 2003/2/24

    hnl_dk wrote:
    Hello Mark,

    First I wish you good luck with the future...

    Question: As Ralph Schmidt is shareholder of Genesi... Is he still "member" of the MorphOS team?

    I actually have no idea about the accuracy in what I am about to say, and maybe I am really clueless and ignorant here, but perhaps it would be more correct to say that Ralph *is* MorphOS and that his team consists of anyone still working on the OS tomorrow?

    MorphOS is Amiga done right! :-)
    MorphOS NG will be AROS done right! :-)
  • »23.11.04 - 22:02
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2057 from 2003/6/4

    Since I am not Titan but a website rader ;-) I just repeat what I read
    there: Papyrus needs latest Turboprint 68k to print

    You have the latest TP, you'll be able to print out with Papyrus.

    @ ironfist

    My MOS installation on my Peg feels pretty alive (at least as alive as
    an OS can be): It's used daily.

    @ hnl_dk

    Ralph and Frank are the current core team.

    Whenever you're sad just remember the world is 4.543 billion years old and you somehow managed to exist at the same time as David Bowie.
    ...and Matthias , my friend - RIP
  • »23.11.04 - 22:25
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  • Cocoon
    Posts: 47 from 2004/3/19
    From: Denmark

    Zylesea wrote:
    @ hnl_dk

    Ralph and Frank are the current core team.

    Ok... So the OS that the "MorphOS team" is working on, (that might end up in embedded devices) is not going to be named MorphOS (or are Ralph and Frank still members og "their" team)?
    Best regards,
    hnl_dk - Henning Nielsen Lund
  • »24.11.04 - 11:08
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 498 from 2003/2/17
    From: Hannover / Ger...
    MorphOS = Ralph Schmidt = Genesi. So if MorphOS should get degraded to an embedded OS only, it nevertheless will stay MorphOS. Without the core of MorphOS, which is done by Ralph and Frank, the others of the current (or former) team won't have anything left for an own OS, they could only support AROS with their contributions for example.

    But this is only the worst case scenario. I hope that even if Genesi indeed won't pay them, that Ralph and Frank at least keep their "embedded MOS" easily "upgradeable" by a commercial "desktop kit" to be sold separately by David & Co. To morph it into a full OS for the Pegasos.
  • »24.11.04 - 12:00
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1178 from 2003/3/13
    From: Pinto, Madrid ...

    Senex wrote:

    I hope that even if Genesi indeed won't pay them, that Ralph and Frank at least keep their "embedded MOS" easily "upgradeable" by a commercial "desktop kit" to be sold separately by David & Co. To morph it into a full OS for the Pegasos.

    Hey, that's the first think that sounds like a solution since this havoc started!
  • »24.11.04 - 15:11
  • Cocoon
    Posts: 47 from 2004/3/19
    From: Denmark

    Senex wrote:
    MorphOS = Ralph Schmidt = Genesi. So if MorphOS should get degraded to an embedded OS only, it nevertheless will stay MorphOS. Without the core of MorphOS, which is done by Ralph and Frank, the others of the current (or former) team won't have anything left for an own OS, they could only support AROS with their contributions for example.

    But this is only the worst case scenario. I hope that even if Genesi indeed won't pay them, that Ralph and Frank at least keep their "embedded MOS" easily "upgradeable" by a commercial "desktop kit" to be sold separately by David & Co. To morph it into a full OS for the Pegasos.

    I know that Ralph == Genesi (or at least a part of it)... but I didn't think that this draft sounded very much pro Genesi (like the other responce we get from the "MorphOS team"): :-? :-?
    Best regards,
    hnl_dk - Henning Nielsen Lund
  • »24.11.04 - 15:13
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