RunInUAE. Can it run under MorphOS?
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2008/10/27
    Hello, justa wanted to know if it's possible that it can run under MorphOS, being it directly using trance, or using os4emu.
    Has anyone tried it?.
    Mac Mini G4 1,4ghz 1gb ram & MorphOS 3.11
  • »23.01.10 - 13:57
  • Caterpillar
    Posts: 30 from 2009/2/21
    From: Boston, MA, Un...
    It's all scripts, apart from diskimage.device (which you can replace with the 68K version). The scripts will probably need modifying and you'll probably need to install manually, but I see no reason why the concept wouldn't work.
  • »23.01.10 - 14:43
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    You don't need that. There's a similar solution included in UAE bonus/ directory since 3 years or so.
  • »23.01.10 - 15:19
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1061 from 2009/2/26
    From: Tczew, Poland
    And there is a great tutorial on how to do that:
    MorphOS 3.x
  • »23.01.10 - 19:17
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    This looks awesome, I think this is exactly what I need and asked for in another thread.

    If this could be, alas!, if this could be only A BIT SIMPLER :-)
  • »23.01.10 - 19:57
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1061 from 2009/2/26
    From: Tczew, Poland
    It only looks bad but it's quite easy if you follow all the instrucions.
    MorphOS 3.x
  • »23.01.10 - 20:02
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    And the Google translate does not mess up ;-)
  • »23.01.10 - 20:11
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 298 from 2008/10/27
    Where is that uae/bonus directory? Is it in MorphOS disc?
    Mac Mini G4 1,4ghz 1gb ram & MorphOS 3.11
  • »24.01.10 - 13:36
  • Moderator
    Posts: 766 from 2003/2/28
    From: Denmark

    _ThEcRoW wrote:
    Where is that uae/bonus directory? Is it in MorphOS disc?

    In the UAE archive.
  • »24.01.10 - 14:31
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    Just looked this up, it seems like RunInUAE is what I was kind of expecting MorphOS to have either somehow embedded in or at least also available via one-click install. Alas, the installation does not work (it's an OS4 app)...
  • »26.01.10 - 06:20
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 309 from 2005/10/18
    From: No(R)way
    If you check the guide you see it is really not hard to do. It wont be included as the internal 68k emulator allready emulates all system friendly stuff...

    Just try and ask for help if you get in some problem.
    MacMiniG4 MOS 3.18 rulez ... For music check: Horrordelic Records - Dark Psychedelic Music Since 2011 -
  • »26.01.10 - 13:26
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    Yeah, I am in the process of getting it working. I am stuck with the arexx stuff at the moment, I got the .library file but it's not correct, hunting for the correct one.

    That's one of the steps in Fab's readme file...
  • »26.01.10 - 18:14
  • Fab
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1331 from 2003/6/16
    Yes, it's not very difficult, and it could probably be auto-installed if someone bothered to do it. :)

    Anyway, about rexx, you need to take rexxsyslib.library from os 3.1 (for instance), put it to sys:libs/ and rename mossys:libs/rexxsyslib.library to whatever you want, so that it's not used.

    I also noticed that the filetype supplied in this (old) UAE archive is slightly outdated, due to a behaviour change in Ambient. So, in the x-morphos-global-action-file descriptor action, the command should be: c:rx foo:bar/uaeexe.rexx "%sp" (instead of an unquoted %sp before).
  • »26.01.10 - 18:54
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    Thanks Fab, this looks like something I would not be able to figure out...

    I hope to document all this to be up to date and maybe one day subimt an article about UAE on MorphOS for the Library here. Would that be redundant?

    BTW, a more convoluted way just occured to me: install OS4Emu, install RunInUAE with the help of OS4Emu and then run Amiga program inside OS4 :-) Not sure if possible though, will try tonight :-) If someone can try out this (or already knows what's going to happen: speak up!)
  • »26.01.10 - 19:59
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > take rexxsyslib.library from os 3.1 (for instance)

    ...or from :-)
  • »26.01.10 - 23:14
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > install OS4Emu, install RunInUAE with the help of OS4Emu and then run
    > Amiga program inside OS4

    I think that even with RunInUAE running via OS4Emu, Amiga programs wouldn't run inside OS4 (or OS4 native E-UAE running via OS4Emu) but inside MorphOS native E-UAE. And btw, OS4Emu isn't OS4, which is the point of it ;-)
  • »26.01.10 - 23:26
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    This eventually boils down to:

    which shows 22 files (and some error on the top). Do they all contain this library (I doubt)?

    (I don't have MorphOS machine here, trying to minimize the work when I get home since my time with MorphOS is usually very limited :-( )
  • »26.01.10 - 23:28
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > Do they all contain this library (I doubt)?

    Instead of asking and doubting, do the simple check yourself: Within the description of each archive you find at the bottom the contents :-)
  • »26.01.10 - 23:51
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    Arg! Yes... Sorry!
  • »27.01.10 - 00:57
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    Ok, this is getting silly. I tried several packages from there and none of them had the library I need. Can someone send me the MD5 of the library so at least I can speed up the search (I understand it's illegal for you to send me the library itself, right?)

    EDIT: I guess I could use something like this to extract it from WB disk:
    but I don't have a windows machine... :-(

    [ Edited by mihailod on 2010/1/26 20:06 ]
  • »27.01.10 - 04:01
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > I tried several packages from there and none of them had the library I need.

    Strange. Golem told the library in these archives to be the one from OS3.1. I'd have thought that MorphOS can use that one. Can anyone please confirm that this version of rexxsyslib.library is of no use to MorphOS?
    (Myself, possessing both, I use the one from OS3.5 or OS3.9.)

    > Can someone send me the MD5 of the library so at least I can speed up the search

    MD5 of the version I use:
  • »27.01.10 - 05:53
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    Yep, MD5s do not match. Will try to find one that matches your MD5.
  • »27.01.10 - 06:14
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 170 from 2010/1/8
    None of the libs from there is that one. Here are MD5s of ALL libraries from all archives there:

    MacBookPro:~/Desktop/a mihailod$ find . -name "rexxsyslib.library" -exec md5 '{}' \;
    MD5 (./8med/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 456cd5c6f06a8cbb57464e59ffe2bb8a
    MD5 (./ansiwall30 Folder/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./ARM-play_supportpack/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./chatch2 Folder/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./DayDreamBBS Folder/DayDream/Libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./ddbbs130b4 Folder/DayDream/Libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./GestaFacture20 Folder/gestafacture2.0/gestafacture/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./GestaLivre20 Folder/gestalivre2.0/gestabook/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./GestaStock20 Folder/gestastock2.0/gestastock/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./obligement8 Folder/obligement8/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./ptl-bd11 Folder/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./ptl-rt11 Folder/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./remotecli Folder/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./Roopert Folder/Roopert/Libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./RUS_main Folder/Distribution/Libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./smiletag Folder/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./sspeed26 Folder/sysspeed/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb
    MD5 (./timebank53 Folder/libs/rexxsyslib.library) = 844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb

    It boils down to 2 files, none of them match your MD5. I tired both and they don't work for me.

    [ Edited by mihailod on 2010/1/26 22:33 ]
  • »27.01.10 - 06:26
  • Moderator
    Posts: 766 from 2003/2/28
    From: Denmark
    First the one I have installed here:
    > Version LIBS:rexxsyslib.library MD5SUM FILE FULL
    844ad77779f5793702c49b637acefedb rexxsyslib.library 36.23 (1991/04/17)

    I go to Aminet, search for rexxsyslib.library, lets conserve bandwidth and just pick the smallest download, the archive listing confirms the file is there, the size is right and so is the CRC. Downloaded, extracted, confirm it's the same once more, check. Overwrite, reboot, still works.

    So you say they don't work, what kind of error are you getting? Tell us exactly what you did with that library (and the one found in MOSSYS:Libs).
  • »27.01.10 - 09:31
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  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12132 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > MD5s do not match.

    Of course they don't. As I told you, my version is from OS3.5 or OS3.9 and is different from the one from OS3.1, which is inside the Aminet archives.

    > Will try to find one that matches your MD5.

    Good luck with that. I guess that my version is hard to come by in comparison to the version you simply would have to download from Aminet and extract from archive. Question is: What's wrong with the OS3.1 version?
  • »27.01.10 - 17:20