  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1346 from 2003/6/8
    From: USA California
    Ok so the author of Pixel32 is still very interested in doing a MorphOS port. Pavel Kanzelsberger, the author, needs a pegasos computer though (complete system, nothing specail or fancy just a peg 2 motherboard, case, power suply ect....) he lost his job recently and can not afford the purchase unfortunatly. in the last email conversation I had with him he was very eager,

    "wow such computer would be really cool, then I can work day and night
    MorphOS port :-)
    best regards, Pavel Kanzelsberger."

    so I was wondering if there is anyway one can be donated or a Pixel32 fund can be aranged via paypall donations. THIS is the website. so what do you think? :-D

    [ Edited by poundsmack on 2004/11/8 9:38 ]
    "Poundsmack, official morphzone thread creator" -LorD
    "Wanna be lord of the avatars." -JKD
  • »08.11.04 - 17:37
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  • News Moderator
    News Moderator
    Posts: 571 from 2003/2/10
    From: Vancouver Isla...

    Surely you have a Pegasos now? ;-)
    When you have eliminated all which is impossible,
    then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!!! - Sherlock Holmes
  • »08.11.04 - 18:02
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 979 from 2003/6/28

    I agree with donation for giving him a system. Pixel32 for MorphOS could be very nice!

    PS: Do you have a Pegasos II? ;-)
  • »08.11.04 - 18:08
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1346 from 2003/6/8
    From: USA California
    in the mail :) funny you mentioned it. its where my first band gig check went :)

    but enough about me, back on topic. :-P

    [ Edited by poundsmack on 2004/11/8 10:13 ]
    "Poundsmack, official morphzone thread creator" -LorD
    "Wanna be lord of the avatars." -JKD
  • »08.11.04 - 18:12
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 85 from 2004/3/10
    actualy your last band gig check went to me :-P to pay off the debt for sporting you your rent for your last month at your old apartment :-D and then I used some of that to get you your soon to be new peg :lol:

    [ Edited by ButterflyKisses on 2004/11/8 14:41 ]
  • »08.11.04 - 18:16
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1346 from 2003/6/8
    From: USA California
    cool avitar tokia :-) so back on subject, pixel32...
    "Poundsmack, official morphzone thread creator" -LorD
    "Wanna be lord of the avatars." -JKD
  • »08.11.04 - 22:43
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 1948 from 2003/2/23
    From: Lahti, Finland
    >hmm.. sounds to me like we'll have in 8 or 9 months at least one little poundsmack?

    /me starts putting food and drinksupplies in stock and heading for nearest bombshelter
    www.mikseri.net/hooligan <- Free music
  • »09.11.04 - 04:33
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 979 from 2003/6/28
    A little poundsmack? The end of the world begins! The Apocalypsis! be a true amigan or you will go to the hell! Buy an AONE now or you will suffer forever!!!!!!111
  • »09.11.04 - 06:00
  • Moderator
    Posts: 126 from 2003/2/17
    From: France
    I think this could be a great idea to give a peg2 to this guy, but, and chain-Q will confirm, FPC for morphOs still doesn't support fully MUI and other important stuff, so such a port is not for today (neither tommorrow)
    Pegasos rulez since august 2002
  • »09.11.04 - 06:50
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 125 from 2003/9/8
    From: Czech Republic
    Pixel32 is kind of program, that is STILL MISSING on Pegasos (somebody says we have Arteffect, but it is not so powerful).

    It would be foolish to not enable him (author) to develop Pixel32 for MorphOS.

    The price is also pleasant (in comparison to Photoshop or Arteffect is very pleasant).
    JACK - 3D gfx artist
    Config: Pegasos 2 G3/600 MHz, 256 MB SDRAM (Kingmax), ATI Radeon 9200 Pro 128MB, 120 GB HDD

    My new web: http://jack-3d.wz.cz
  • »09.11.04 - 07:49
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 979 from 2003/6/28

    yes, but probably the Pixel32 guy can start learning MorphOS, and then experimenting things and testing FPC for MorphOS ;-)
  • »09.11.04 - 07:54
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 125 from 2003/9/8
    From: Czech Republic
    But who will provide to Pixel32 guy a Peggy machine????????????
    JACK - 3D gfx artist
    Config: Pegasos 2 G3/600 MHz, 256 MB SDRAM (Kingmax), ATI Radeon 9200 Pro 128MB, 120 GB HDD

    My new web: http://jack-3d.wz.cz
  • »09.11.04 - 08:02
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 979 from 2003/6/28

    Im not millonaire, but I can help sending some money for some bounty
  • »09.11.04 - 08:06
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 125 from 2003/9/8
    From: Czech Republic
    I think Genesi would have consider whether they support this promising project.

    I have downloaded the alpha WIN version and it works really nice! I will test it more.
    JACK - 3D gfx artist
    Config: Pegasos 2 G3/600 MHz, 256 MB SDRAM (Kingmax), ATI Radeon 9200 Pro 128MB, 120 GB HDD

    My new web: http://jack-3d.wz.cz
  • »09.11.04 - 08:18
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 979 from 2003/6/28

    I agree too, let's see what bbrv says. Pixel32 looks very nice. His author needs an ODW! ;-)
  • »09.11.04 - 08:22
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 125 from 2003/9/8
    From: Czech Republic
    I have discuss it with our Czech and Slowak distributor (Paradise on pegasos-czech.com)and he is also interested in the Pixel32 project.

    Paradise can borrow the machine, but I would prefer if Genesi will give some Peggy for this project.
    JACK - 3D gfx artist
    Config: Pegasos 2 G3/600 MHz, 256 MB SDRAM (Kingmax), ATI Radeon 9200 Pro 128MB, 120 GB HDD

    My new web: http://jack-3d.wz.cz
  • »09.11.04 - 10:09
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  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1289 from 2003/2/25
    From: binaryriot
    to the topic, yes... pixel32 is for sure a nice app. ANd a MorphOS port is probably appreciated. I tested it a while ago (more than a year ago actually).

    But we also should remember a few other apps like Photogenics (where already existed an AMiga Version). Maybe Paul Nolan (www.idruna.com) could get an ODW too.

  • »09.11.04 - 10:35
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  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 125 from 2003/9/8
    From: Czech Republic
    I agree with you. There are some good projects should to be supported by ODW.

    But it depends on Genesi. If the Genesi will not support the Pixel32, there is possibility of borrowing Pegasos by Paradise, because it is the nearest distributor of Pegasos.

    Bad luck that Paul Nolan doesnt live in Czech or Slowak Republic.
    JACK - 3D gfx artist
    Config: Pegasos 2 G3/600 MHz, 256 MB SDRAM (Kingmax), ATI Radeon 9200 Pro 128MB, 120 GB HDD

    My new web: http://jack-3d.wz.cz
  • »09.11.04 - 10:46
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  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 979 from 2003/6/28

    Photogenics for MorphOS? That could rule!!!!! :-)


    We need a contact with bbrv here, lets see who can makes it possible!
  • »09.11.04 - 11:56
  • Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 125 from 2003/9/8
    From: Czech Republic

    Photogenics rule? I dont think so. Pixel32 is better (Photogenics has better effects, but not so more features).
    JACK - 3D gfx artist
    Config: Pegasos 2 G3/600 MHz, 256 MB SDRAM (Kingmax), ATI Radeon 9200 Pro 128MB, 120 GB HDD

    My new web: http://jack-3d.wz.cz
  • »09.11.04 - 13:29
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 407 from 2003/10/12
    I see that Pixel32 is using libSDL and some other Linus modules, the porting could be very easilly but not with the best performance.
    Best thing is to port it to MOS(PPC) natively with MUI,TinyGL and Altivec support (for MOS 1.5).

    Do I ask much? well I know. :-P
    ..there will be only one left.
  • »09.11.04 - 14:07
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 979 from 2003/6/28

    Sure? :)
  • »09.11.04 - 15:25
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 750 from 2003/2/14
    From: Earth
    We know Paul from our VisCorp days...what do we need to do?

    R&B :-)
  • »09.11.04 - 16:00
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