  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 203 from 2012/9/2
    Hi all,

    Is there any way to get rid of Polynet? I don`t use it but it still pops up it config window on every boot. I can`t find it in the s-s or wbstartup, is it integrated into ambient somehow?
  • »07.11.12 - 12:42
  • Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1061 from 2009/2/26
    From: Tczew, Poland
    Are you sure it's not sitting in wbstartup? Did you list that drawer with view all mode?
    MorphOS 3.x
  • »07.11.12 - 13:40
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 189 from 2005/8/24
    The same question from me..I try to disale it in wbstartup but after reset is still here...not the bar but settings window is up after amibent is loding?!
    MAC mini 1.5 ghz 1GB ram + MorphOS 3.7

    A1200 sandwich

    uA1c/g3 800 mHz/256mb/160gb hdd/OS4.1 :-D

    Warp croatian Amiga portal :
  • »07.11.12 - 14:20
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  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 203 from 2012/9/2
    It is located in the disabled subdirectory of wbstartup and appears in the disabled list of startup prefs but it still runs at startup and nags with its prefs window.
  • »07.11.12 - 15:07
  • Moderator
    Posts: 694 from 2003/2/24
    From: ITALY
    It's strange, if it's not inside WBStartup drawer it should not be loaded.
    Wait for Papiouseur, he will surely know why this happens, he put togheter the ultimate pack so he knows how PolyNET is loaded.

    P.S. Me uses PolyNET and will not change it, it rules. MOS docks suck! Sorry Kronos!

    PegasosII "Elite" Machine --> PowerMac MDD "popular" Machine --> MacMini 1.5 "still more popular" Machine
  • »07.11.12 - 16:38
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 2306 from 2003/2/24

    But I somehow doubt you have a current version of "my" panels....
  • »07.11.12 - 17:02
  • Moderator
    Posts: 694 from 2003/2/24
    From: ITALY
    Kronos if you remember, I tested a beta of your new panels some time ago and I was disappointed by them and did not like neither the way their development was taking. Maybe newer version is much better, I can't know.
    I can't remember precisely what was wrong for me, but i remember I was disappointed about the way the transparency was managed, PolyNET gives much better final result. And also the way you had to manage names and position of icons/drawes was tricky. I came back to PolyNET in a couple of days.
    I hope you're not offended by this, but I am a very power GUI user/tuner so I easily find defects in such kind of tools.
    If you need a betaster for the new version I'll be happy to happy to try it.

    PegasosII "Elite" Machine --> PowerMac MDD "popular" Machine --> MacMini 1.5 "still more popular" Machine
  • »07.11.12 - 17:21
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 694 from 2003/2/24
    From: ITALY
    Useless to add that I would like a lot to finally abandon PolyNET, that even if is a powerfull tool and gives a lot of configuration possibilities it's tricky to configure (most of all for newbies), it's heavy and it's and external tool. Having same functionalities and cosmetic possibilities in built-in panles would be fantastic and will give a faster and cleaner system, but I fear this will not happen.

    PegasosII "Elite" Machine --> PowerMac MDD "popular" Machine --> MacMini 1.5 "still more popular" Machine
  • »07.11.12 - 17:24
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 694 from 2003/2/24
    From: ITALY
    Ok, I found the message i sent to you as feedback of my betatesting of your panels (it refers to the version of some months ago):

    - I can't rename subpanels

    - subpanels seem to not have zipping effect

    - I cant' reorder icons in a panel in a easy way (some other tools allow you to hold Ctrl and easily move thes icon with the mouse..)

    - The transparency works, but it's not so good as PolyNET one. I TRY to explain it better: In polynet it is just the bar to be transparent, with your panles also the icons become transparent!! (alpha ?) And also the shadows behind the icons are less visible, too light. I'll send you a comparison grab of my desktop so you can see it by yourself:


    - It would be useful a button to automatically centre the bar at low-centre of the screen

    - it would be useful to call the dock prefs going with the mouse on the dock and pressing right button (in the popup menu I can't see any voice that call the prefs!)

    - it would be useful to have possibility to have also text showed near the icon (the user should be able to choice if he wants just icon or icon+text)

    PegasosII "Elite" Machine --> PowerMac MDD "popular" Machine --> MacMini 1.5 "still more popular" Machine
  • »07.11.12 - 17:39
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 99 from 2005/9/1
    From: Zagreb/Croatia
    Remove last line in WbStartup:Add-Startup file to disable Polynet.
  • »07.11.12 - 18:49
  • Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 203 from 2012/9/2
    Oh yeah, thanks. This ultimate pack is throwing me off a bit, I must do a fresh install just for me...
  • »08.11.12 - 15:32
  • Moderator
    Posts: 694 from 2003/2/24
    From: ITALY
    Do not remove Ultimate Pack, it's a very good start point, just customize it on your needs and remove staff that you do not need like Polynet.

    PegasosII "Elite" Machine --> PowerMac MDD "popular" Machine --> MacMini 1.5 "still more popular" Machine
  • »08.11.12 - 17:28
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