Grunch questions.
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 544 from 2012/4/28
    I have installed the last version of Grunch v1.53 to test it, as I have some problems, the database of Grunch with the fies installed has been dammage and when I start again this program it show me that programs and games already it has installed it needs install again, why? because some games are very big as to reinstalled two times.
    Can I rewrite by manual way this database of Grunch and resolve this problem?
  • »14.10.12 - 21:02
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1044 from 2004/9/23
    I donĀ“t understand what you mean at all.

    There was a slight chance that you ran into a compatibly issue between versions, but usually this should not happen. Recently I discovered a bug, where the database (with new features) got updated before Grunch application, which resulted in rejecting the items and a cleanup of configuration.

    In such case the "mode" is set to ignore. Grunch is exactly doing this. It does not care about that entry and so it does not check if a game was installed before anymore. Turn it to something else and it will probe the installation as before.

    Tip: You can enable "double click install" in expert settings to simply use double click to switch between modes "ignore" and "update".

    Anyway. Do not kill the Grunch drawer as it contains version information on any installed application with broken version strings. If you kill these information, you need to reinstall, so Grunch can restore the proper version. Blame the developers of those applications. If you want to know which programms are broken, just open Grunch/Prefs/VersionData. Each file represents a packet without proper versioning in binary.


    [ Edited by geit 14.10.2012 - 23:01 ]
  • »14.10.12 - 22:58