Pack Ultimate 1.6.5 beta
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2160 from 2003/4/10
    From: France
    ho, ho i think there is no corruption

    i 've installed VICE 2.3 from :

    and don't work ?
  • »12.06.11 - 15:18
    Profile Visit Website
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 86 from 2009/10/13
    Yup you are right, no corruption in your pack.
    2.2a from Aminet works fine.

    Just downloaded 2.3 direct from sourceforge and it doesn't work.
  • »12.06.11 - 15:47
  • Butterfly
    Posts: 86 from 2009/10/13
    Hi Papiosaur.

    Is there a reason why Sermonatrix is now the prefered IRC client in the Ultimate Pack.
    To my mind, it looks like it is still a work in progress.
    It looks polished enough and works fine once configured.

    On the negative side though, it's very unforgiving if not configured correctly.
    It locked up MorphOS several times completely (sometimes it just locked itself up) when trying to configure the Bitlbee server for instance.

    Possibly, it's a bit to early to include this in your pack?

    Did you have a look at Bitlbee by the way?


    [ Edited by TiredOfLife 14.06.2011 - 20:15 ]
  • »14.06.11 - 20:13
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2160 from 2003/4/10
    From: France
    Hi TiredOfLife,

    I have define Sermonatrix as only client IRC because is the only one is developped today.

    Maybe it's a bit earlier in fact or not :-)

    I haven't succed to preconfire serveur for the moment, Tcheko ?

    About Bitlbee, i think it very hard to use for novice user but why not.
  • »14.06.11 - 21:07
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  • Butterfly
    Posts: 86 from 2009/10/13
    Yeah, Bitlbee might be a step to far for the novice but it does provide access to a number of chat protocols.

    I'm a bit tired tonight but I will try and catch up with Tcheko to see what can be done to improve matters.

  • »16.06.11 - 21:41